Hes back

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Tyler Pov
I woke up to a bright light shining in my face
"What the fuck is that" I groaned
I heard Troye, Sage and Tydes laughs
"Told you he hates light" Troye laughed
I opened my eyes to see Sage holding a torch
"Guuyyysssss" i groaned sitting up.
"This is the only way youd wake up, now hurry we are getting breakfast in ten minutes" Troye said walking to his laptop.

I walked out of the bathroom, fully clothed and saw Troye standing on the balcony.
I sneaked up on him, making him jump, but i felt him relax when i wrapped my arms around him
"Troye, sing for me" I asked
He laughed and turned his head smiling. As he started singing i closed my eyes, totally relaxed.
"I smell heartbreak on my hands
I feel sick to my stomach as I begin to stand
I see your outline in my bed
In the same spot I watched him rest his head

I've done you wrong, I regret it
I write this song, try to forget it
I feel this emptiness in my chest
It feels surreal, but I'm feeling stressed

I need to do something
I fucked up for nothing
Now I gotta just tell someone,
Tell someone what I've done

Please bathe me now, wash me clean
Just set my heart on fire, like gasoline
Bathe me now, wash me clean
Just set my heart on fire, like gasoline
Oh, no, like gasoline"

When he finished i opened my eyes and turned him around, kissing his beautiful soft lips.
"I love you Troye" I said during it
He let go and smiled
"I love you too tilly" He gave me one last small kiss and we walked into the room, to go down to breakfast with Sage and Tyde.
Troye Pov
"Steele, have you got your bags packed?" I asked Steele, walking into his room seeing him in his own clothes and his hair looking normal, i liked the view i saw.
"Yep" He smiled. I smiled back and he limped over without his crutches and gave me a big hug.
I burst out laughing, shocked but happy
"What was that for" I asked as he let me down
"For giving me beautiful speechs that made me happy" He smiled and walked over to where the rest of my family sat.
Beautiful sight.

"Now dear, take these pills if you find it hard getting to sleep. I understand you told Megan, the councellor, that you remember the crash clearly, is that right?" The kind nurse said to Steele
"Yea, i do" He nodded
"Okay well if you wake up with any bad dreams or anything dont be scared to take one of these, but you can only take one okay?Now these tablets are for the pain. If you are hurting anywhere take two or these?Dont get them mixed up now!" The nurse laughed.
"Ill try not too. Thank you all for your kind work yous have done to make me here right now!" Steele smiled
I rolled my eyes laughing as we walked out of the building.
"You know when Steele is back to normal when he sucks up to nurses" I joked
Everyone laughed, even Steele who normally takes a fit when i call him a suck up.
We walked into Steeles house and helped him unpack everything. When we had finished we all plonked ourselves on the couch.
"Well this has been a crazy week but i think i can say for everyone that we are all incredibly happy to have our Steele back, right?" mom announced, causing us to all nod.
"Thanks for the support guys, i love yous" Steele smiled, saying it
"We love ya too boy" I replied, causing everyone to laugh
"Guys?When will i be able to buy a new car?" Steele said.
The only thing we could do was laugh.
"Im reminding you your in crutches" Mom smiled
"And?"Steele said cluelessly
"Yup, Steele is back" Sage laughed.
This was such a short chapter im so sorry!!!:(

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