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Alfie Pov
We had just started playing Truth or Dare when i noticed Troye and Tyler werent with us
"Guys where are troye and tyler?I thought they wanted to play?" I asked, causing everyone to shrug, except Zoe who turned red
"Zoe do yo-"
"Hey guys" I turned round to see Tyler and Troye, hand in hand. I was about to ask but Naomi beat me to it
"Tell me Troyler is real" She looked so happy, i laughed a bit
"Troyler is real!!" Troye shouted
Everyone ran and tackled them on the floor, including me. The chemistry they had was unbelievable, i cant believe they only realised now that theyre in love, we all knew before they actually knew, funny how love works.
Troye Pov
I am so happy. Ive never been this happy in my whole life. Tyler was my boyfriend and he said he loved me!!Everyone took it so well, it is an amazing feeling to know the person you love loves you back. I felt bad for cutting but i know i will try my hardest to stop, for Tylers sake.
We all sat playing Truth or Dare now, it was super fun. It was Zoes turn to ask someone, she looked around but her eyes stopped at me, great.
"Troye" everyone looked and smirked, knowing her question would be tyler related.
"Truth" i said, saving her time
"When did you start loving Tyler" They were giggles but i didnt care
"A few months ago i liked him but recently i fell in love and wanted him to be mine, more then a bestfriend and im so happy i cant explain it that he likes me back" im pretty sure i blushed but Tyler grabbed my hand and cuddled into my shoulder before kissing me on the neck, receiving 'Awws' from everyone.
We played a few more games before we realised it was nearly midnight and headed up to bed. Me and Tyler got to our bedroom and we decided to strip into our boxers just, we were dating now anyway.
We got under the covers and i cuddled into his chest
"I love you troye"
"I love you too tilly" and with that we feel asleep in eachothers arms. More content then id ever been before.
aw, cute as shit

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