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Tyler Pov
"Merry Christmas baby!!" my mom shouted as i opened my eyes.
"Merry christmas mom" i managed to smile, stretching and getting up.
"Come, ive made you toast and there are presents to be opened!!" mom yelled, dragging my arm into the living room.
I sat down with my toast and started opening my presents.
Connor- Lady Gaga CD, sweets
Joey- chocolate, hilarious Book on vlogging and a 20 dollar voucher for Walmart
Zoe/Alfie- Strawberry and Cream scented Candle, Hair gel, waffle flavoured icecream
Niomi/Marcus- House sign that said 'Love', Peppermint Candle and a lady gaga calendar.
Mom- Hollister Body Spray, New coffee maker, blue toms and the fifth harmony CD.
I still had some more to open, Joe, Louise etc..
But we started opening moms presents. I had got her a dress she had wanted ages ago but said it was too expensive, of course i got it for her at the time and she hadnt even noticed.
She opened up the wrapping paper and her eyes nearly fell out of her body.
"Tyler baby!!!This was expensive??" she exclaimed
"Its okay mom, it was worth it" i smiled
"Oh come here" she said, tears forming in her eyes bring me into a tight hug.

When we had opened every present we both got showered and dressed. I decided to call Troye
Tyler- Troye?
Troye- Tillyyy hey, merry christmas!
Tyler- Thanks boo, you too even though you dont celebrate it
Troye- Aw thanks, im so excited for new years babe
Tyler- Me too!Your getting such a surprise
Troye-Babe, you didnt have to
Tyler- I wanted to okay?
Troye- I gotta go i love you ty
Tyler- love you too hun
Troye Pov
"Hey Lauren!" i said, greeting my cousins who were coming to mine for dinner.
"Troye hey!" she smiled, giving me a quick hug before greeting everyone else.

"This is so so good mom" Steele told her
"Thanks hun" she smiled
"Troye, your still doing youtube i believe?" My uncle Raymond said
"Yes i am" i smiled
"And your boyfriend is still on?"
"Yep" i nodded, smiling
"Thats great!We were listening to your ep on the way down, some great music on there boy" he nodded
"Yeah, Funs my favvvvvourite" My cousin Dana commented
Everyone laughed
"Thanks Tyde" i laughed, "But yeah,I worked so hard on it" i exclaimed
"You can tell, you wrote your own songs?" my uncle asked me
"Yes i did!"
"Talented" My auntie Jo said
I smiled and continued to eat my dinner
So currently we are playing charades and its hilarious.
"GIRAFFE" i screamed over everyone else
"Yes!" Tyde smiled at me, as i got up to do mine
I picked a card and it said: Fish
I got down on my stomach and started flopping about
"Worm?" Mom shouted
I shook my head and did a pout on my face
"Oh i know i know!!Its a fish!!" My cousin Darren shouted
"Yeah!!" i said happily, sitting back down.
Tyler Pov
"This is beautiful isnt it mom" i smiled, as me and mom walked down the christmas festival in LA.
There were so many fairy lights and cute stalls all over the place, so tumblr as Troye would say.
"Lets get some hot chocolate" Mom smiled, getting her purse out
"No mom, you made the turkey, im paying for these" I said, stopping her
"Two hot chocolates please" I said to the man and waited for our drinks
i turned around to see Connor and some guy holding hands.
"Connor merry christmas!" i said, as he let go of the guys hands and hugged me
"You too!" He smiled
"Oh, Ryan this is Tyler, my bestfriend and Tyler this is ryan, my boyfriend" he introduced us and we both smiled at eachother
"Nice meeting you!" i smiled at him
"You too!Ive heard so much about you" he smiled
I lookd at connor and smirked
"Likewise and Connor thanks for the present, i love it!" i laughed
"Knew you would, thanks for yours too!You know me too well" he laughed.
I had gotten him coffee beans, but different types from Japan, Mexico and Brazil, so the fancy kind.
"Connor my boy!" I heard my mom say behind me, our drinks in each hand but still managed to hug Connor.
"Merry Christmas Jackie!" he smiled
"You too, and who is this young man?" she smirked
"This is ryan, my boyfriend. Ryan, this is tylers mom, Jackie" he smiled, blushing slightly
"Hi Maam" ryan said politely
"Oh please,Jackie" she corrected him
"Jackie" he corrected himself, laughing
"Well see yous soon!Merry Christmas!" i smiled
"Merry Christmas" they chorused and walked away hand in hand.
"How long have they been dating?" mom asked me,taking a sip of her hot chocolate
"Since the Summer" i nodded
"I hope he is good like Troye is for you" she nodded
"Me too, Connor deserves to be happy with someone" i smiled as me and mom walked towards carol singers, quietly singing to ourselves, enjoying the family atmosphere of christmas.
hope yous are doing well:)

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