New years

11 1 0

Troye Pov
"TYLER!!!" i yelled, bringing him into a tight hug
"i missed you so much" he said into my ear
"I missed you too" i said, putting my hands on his cheeks and letting go the hug, leaning in.
His lips felt soft and loving as he moved his tounge along with the kiss
He let go and smiled
"I love you so much"
"I love you too boo" he said back
"How was the flight?" i asked him
"It was good, food was gross though" he said, turning his nose up
"Lucky im just having lunch then arent ya" i winked and took his hands in mine, dragging him into the kitchen where my family greeted him
"Good to see u again Tyler" My dad winked and continued eating.
Why the hell did he wink?

"So Tyler, how was your christmas?" My mom asked him as we sat eating lunch together, after getting Tyler a plate of food.
"Oh it was beautiful. My mom stays with me every year and we go to a little festival. Its cute" He nodded
"Thats good hun" she smiled, eating her fries

When we finished our meals i let Tyler nap on my bed for an hour. I sat at my desk, uploading a video until he woke up. He smiled and walked over to me.
"What time does the party start tonight?" He asked. kissing my cheek and wrapping his arms around chest
"i think we need to leave at like 7" i confirmed. He nodded and headed into my bathroom to shower.
"Well i might as well join you" i smirked as we both took our clothes off, locked the door and walked into the shower....
"Hey mom our taxi is here" I said walking downstairs hand in hand with Tyler. We were getting a taxi so we could drink a little but not a huge amount.
"Okay boys. Keep safe. I love you both" she smiled, coming up from her seat to hug and kiss both of us on the cheek.
"Love you too mom" i said, kissing her cheek and walking out to the taxi.

'Like a a paperr..cutttt' I heard on the radio. I decided to make a game.
"Have you heard that song before?" I asked the taxi driver
"No i havent" He replied smiling
Tyler looked at me and smirked
"You like it?" He asked the man
"Yes, its quite good isnt it"
I looked at Tyler smirking
"Im dating the singer actually" Tyler smirked
"Really?Whats his name then?" The guy asked, not getting the hint
"Troye, Troye Sivan" Tyler nodded
"Right, ill have to look out for him in the future" he nodded
"Do. Hes so talented" Tyler boasted. I just rolled my eyes.

The taxi stopped and we got out of the car.
"Thank you" Tyler said, handing him the money.
"No problem boy!Have a good day Troye" The taxi driver said, winking at our hands attached.
We just laughed and walked into the party that was being held at this rich guy in Perth. I was only invited because i had an album out and really, i was glad Tyler was coming with me because i knew like two people going.

"Wow, this is one house?" Tyler said shocked
"Yeah, i know" i agreed
"Lets dance" Tyler smirked, bringing me into the room which had spotlights and a disco ball spinning on the ceiling.
Tyler Pov
I was so nervous. It was now 11pm which meant me and Troye were exchanging gifts at ten to so we could see the fireworks. What if he sa-
"Back in a second" Troye whispered into my ear, interupting my thoughts.
I looked at him confused as he walked into another room.
I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a girl with long purple hair standing smiling, around 18 maybe.
"Your Tyler Oakley right" She asked
"Thats me" I smiled
"Can we get a photo. Im kinda in love with you" She laughed, but didnt even blush
"Course" i nodded and she got out her phone to take the photo.
"Thank you so much. Enjoy the party" She smiled before walking over to some guy and sitting on his lap, immediately making out with him. Mmm, lovely view.
Where was Troye!?
I decided to follow his direction. I walked into the room he had went but saw him nowhere.
"Excuse me, did a brunette boy around 20 years old come in here a minute ago?"I asked the guy standing at the door
"Yeah buttt t-then he rannnn upstairs" he slurred, clearly drunk
I nodded, awkwardly and ran upstairs
"Troye where the hell are you?" I shouted.
"I'm here" I heard behind me.
I turned around to see Troye innocently standing smiling at me
"Where did you go?"
"To get your present silly" he winked before grabbing my hand to the dance floor. I quickly checked the time to read, 11:35.
shit, ten minutes would depend on everything
can ya guess yet
Theres 1 more chapter left!!!
And the Taxi thing, some of yous will get it if you have Troye on snapchat or twitter😂

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