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Troye Pov
The first thing i smelt when i woke up was cinnamon..i need to investigate. I opened my eyes to see Tyler sitting at the desk with a Cinnabon bagel beside him on his tumblr.
"Did i get any?" i asked him, walking over to him
"Of course you did. I got them before you woke up. Whos the best?" he asked
i laughed and rolled my eyes.
"The lobby guy is coming up in half an hour, you might wanna get dressed" Tyler winked.
Shit, i had forgotten i was naked. I laughed and ran into the bathroom to hop in a quick shower.

"So how did this happen?" The guy asked us.
I looked at Tyler, trying not to laugh.
"We just sat on it and it collapsed!" Tyler laughed
"Very bizzare actually. Not the best quality beds for a fine hotel like this right?" Tyler questioned, crossing his arms to look serious.
"R-right sir. Im very sorry for this. Its easily fixed so go do what yous are doing today and when you come back itll be a top notch bed" The nice man replied, giving a winner smile
"We are actually flying home today" I told him
"Oh right..well thatll give us more time to fix this bed for the next guests i suppose!" He smiled, before getting out his hammer and some other tools.

"Do you think it was safe leaving a stranger in our hotel room?" I asked Tyler. We were going to have breakfast in the hotel this morning and because of our flight time we had to leave the repair man in our room.
"Sure, i mean he works in the hotel. Itll be fine!" He assured me, not sounding so sure himself though.
I walked over to where they were making Omlettes.
"Hi, can i have the egg and spinach omlette please" i asked
"Sure hunny" the chef said
Tyler was going for a full breakfast, toast, sasuages, bacon, sunny side up eggs and one pancake.
"There you go sweetpie" The lady said.
"Thank you!" I smiled and sat down beside Tyler.
I looked at his plate and then looked at him
"What?" he asked
"Your not going to eat all that when you already had a bagel this morning!"
"Yes i am. Gotta eat before the plane, i hate the plane food remember" He sassed
"Oh right okay you" I rolled my eyes laughing

We were walking out of the breakfast room when we saw Tara on a seat on the phone laughing.
I nudged Tyler who hadnt seemed to notice. I pointed in the direction and smiled.
"She looks happy" he whispered
I smiled at him, taking his hand and walking over to Tara. She looked up. Her first impression looked shocked but then she blushed.
"I gotta go Mel. Ill text you...yes i love you to" and she hung up.
"Is Mel the friend who you got caught making out with" Tyler sassed
"Tyler" i said, nudging his striaghtness with her.
She blushed but smiled sweetly
"Yeah" she answered
"We just saw you sitting looking happy, we dont even know you that well but it made us happy to see you laugh" i smiled
"She makes me happy" she laughed
"Wheres your mom?" Tyler asked her
"Oh, shes in the pool. I told her i was calling my step brother" she laughed, pointing to her mother with her huge tiffany ring on that sparkled in the water.
"Well we are heading home today but good luck and i hope you and the girl end up okay" Tyler smiled
"Thank you so much. Ive loved yous both for years and oh my god i have your number" she laughed
We said our goodbyes and we went up to our room to find the man had gone and the bed was fixed, we had payed him before we left.
My flight was at 3:00 but i had to be there at 12:00 and Tylers flight was about 2:00 so we needed to leave in the next hour.
We got our cases checked fifty times before heading down to the lobby to check out.
Me and Tyler were sitting waiting for his flight to be called as it was already quarter past one. We hadnt spoke about not being together since before Zoe and Alfies wedding.
"So Ty....we should probably plan new years eve" I told him
"Yeah..i could come the day before?"
"Perfect!And we can exchange gifts then yeah?" i told him
"Yeah but you dont do christmas. You dont have to get me something" he smiled, squeezing my hand.
"But we do presents" i replied
"flight number 201 to Los Angeles being called for first class" We heard the speaker say
Shit, that was Tyler.
We both stood up and just hugged eachother for what seemed ages.
"I love you tilly" i said into his ear
"I love you too troye" he smiled before leaning in and kissing me softly, his hands on my cheeks, rubbing softly.
He let go and kissed me in the cheek before walking to his gate.
I waved at him and started walking to mine, biting my lip, keeping the tears.
Tyler Pov
"Hi" a girl maybe around eighteen said, sitting next to me.
"Hello" i smiled, glad i had a friendly person sitting next to me for eleven hours.
I took out my phone and text My mom, who was picking me up and staying with me over Christmas, like she always does.
Hey mommmaa, just got on plane and its about to take off so see ya soon!

I turned my phone off and stared out the window. The airport had christmas decorations all over it and it made me excited to go home and decorate the place. Im sad Troye isnt with me but ive got a very special thing planned for New Years Eve that he will love love love!

"Hello Ladies and Gentlemen. Im going to be the captain of your flight today. Id like to thank you all for flying with 'Delta' today and we can assure you it will be a flight worth the money. We will be taking off in a few minutes so i ask for yous to stay seated and enjoy your ten and 50 minute flight to Los Angeles" The speaker said.
I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes. Thinking of last night, cant help but smile at the good memories.
Troye Pov
It was 8 hours into the flight and i was just watching some 'Breaking Bad'. Tyler would be home by now i think. I needed to find the perfect gift for christmas, something he will love.
Beside me sat a boy, around my age on his phone. He had done that basically the whole way. Fun.

When the show was over i took out my phone and checked my messages and socal media (yes there is wifi on the plane)
There was one from Sage.
Hey Troye, Zak and I will be picking you up so look for us, not mom and and dad!

I laughed at her message.
The boy next to me looked over at me.
"Hey, im Dean" he smiled
"Troye" i smiled back
"Do you live in Perth?" He asked, putting his phone away, so i did the same.
"Yeah i do but I travel a lot, do you?" I asked
"Nope, im here for the holidays. Well more like running from my step mom over christmas" He laughed
"Why?" i questioned, laughing
"Shes a bitch. She moved in with her daughter, whos really nice but her mom, shes so horrible and its just to me and Tara. My dad doesnt even care. So im going here for christmas, meeting my uncle and spending it with him" He smiled
"Aw cool" i smiled.
"Did you say Tara?" i asked
"Yep" he confirmed, "why?"
"If you dont mind me asking, where you staying in brighton?" i asked him
"I was meant to be but i got my own hotel up in Cornwall because i wasnt going to stay with my step mom" he rolled his eyes
"But your step-mom and step-sister were in Brighton" I asked
"Yes, and my dad but apparantly he was sick the whole time, i dont really know, wasnt there" he laughed
"I met your step-mom and Tara!" i told him
"What, where?" he asked, confused
"Well..thats a long story but your step-mom doesnt exactly...like me...or my boyfriend" i laughed
"Right...shes a huge christian, sucks" He smiled
"We got to speak to Tara on her own..shes so cute!But..she looked so...-"
"Broken?" he butted in
I nodded.
"She is, its that mother of hers ruining her" he said angrily
"I got her phone number if she needed anything" i smiled
"Really?Cool!Small world right?" he laughed
Tyler Pov
"Mom!!" i smiled, bringing her into a hug
"My baby, i missed you!"
"I missed you to momma" i smiled before letting go and taking my bags to the car.
"How was the flight hunny" mom asked me as she started the car up.
"Great!I had a really nice girl beside me so that made it better!" i smiled
"Ah yes, it does doesnt it" she agreed

"Home sweet home" i laughed, collapsing on the couch.
"Now baby, let me make you dinner, its nearly six" mom said, sitting next to me
"Ill have anything thanks mom" i smiled, getting up and putting my bags away.
I got my phone out and text Troye telling him id gotten home safely and i loved him, the usual.
"Dinner!!!" mom yelled. I put my phone away and walked into the kitchen.
Mom had made me a chicken burger, she knows the drill.
"Thanks mom" i smiled, kissing her cheek before sitting down and eating my burger.
Troye Pov
"Troye!!!" Mom screamed, running to the door
"Mom!!" i screamed back, taking off my backpack and giving her a tight hug.
"Hey son!" My dad yelled, joining the hug
I laughed, "Dad!"
"Did Sage and Zak get you okay?" Mom asked me, letting go of the hug
"Yep!There at Zaks house now or something i think" I smiled, not really knowing because i didnt really listen to what Sage was actually talking about.
I walked into my kitchen to see Steele standing by the sink, washing dishes.
"Steele!Man i missed you!!" i yelled, running over and hugging him.
"I know, missed you too dude!" he replied
"Do you want food?" mom asked me
"Actually mom im just going to go to sleep, im wrecked after that flight" i told her, kissing her cheek before taking my bags upstairs.
"Tyde?" i called, outside his bedroom door.
I opened the door to see him and Kendall cuddled up, watching TV, they were cute, i admit. But not cuter than me and Tyler. obviously
"Hey guys!" i smiled, walking over and giving them both hugs.
"Hey Troye, how was the wedding?" Kendall asked
"So so gorgeous!" i answered, smiling.
"Talk more later, im literally going to sleep all day" i laughed, walking out and closing the door. I got my phone out and saw a text from Tyler telling me he had gotten home. I replied before collapsing on my bed and shutting my eyes, wrapping the covers around me, peacefully.
Can yous guess what Tylers going to do for New Years Eve?;)

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