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Tyler Pov
Troye had told me to fuck off about half an hour ago before running out the door. I had just sat here looking at tumblr because i has thought he would be back by now. Fuck im an idiot. i quickly got up and ran to the car
Troye Pov
i dont know how long had passed as i ran out without my phone, smart one. It was so warm outside, it was LA. I had slowed down and was just walking down some road beside a random beach, i had no idea where i was but it wasnt where we had drove earlier. I liked walking, it cleared my mind but no matter how mad i was at Tyler, i wished he were here with me.
I walked down to the water and sat down, looking at the sunset coming down, it would be dark soon, shit.
Tyler Pov
Where the fuck was he?!?! I had been driving around for an hour and still saw no sign of him, god im a dickhead. I tried to think where he could be but i soon remembered he knew none of the streets in LA. I drove back to the apartment and went straight past it, considering he could be down to the beach, but doubting it.
Troye Pov
It was dark now and im not gunna lie, i was scared. It was still quite humid, but colder. I hadnt been wearing a hoody when i ran out so i just had to content myself. I looked around and saw i was the only one on this beach.
If i get murdered, i love my family, friends and Tyler i kept telling myself.
I lay down on the sand, praying crabs dont go around here. I looked up at the stars just listening to the waves. I closed my eyes just shutting everything around me out
I was in someones arms, on a beach....

I suddenly remembered what had happened. I looked up to see who was holding me and saw my boyfriends face. He looked down at me and his eyes widened.
"Troye your okay, oh thank god, i was so worried" He hugged me but i stayed silent. I carefully got off him and sat beside him, refusing to look at him.
"Troye, im so so sorry for saying what i said. Im just so upset you have to go, ill miss you so much you dont even understand how much"
I stayed silent for a few minutes but then gave in
"No i do understand because i feel the same" I looked at him staring into his eyes and put my arms out. He cuddled into my side and we lay down so we were both looking at the stars together.
"Im sorry troye, i was so scared" Tyler said
"No im sorry for running off, sorry for scaring you baby" i know he likes when i call him that, and i was right, he smiled
"Well this is beautiful right now so i guess i can forgive you" He sassed. I laughed and just admired the moment happening right now, not wanting to ever leave.
short chapter sorry but yeah

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