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Troye Pov
"Theres a flight tomorrow with 13 unbooked tickets, perfect!" Tyler clapped in joy
I laughed at him, rolling my eyes.
"What time?"
"9am" I rolled my eyes at such an early time.
"Ill book them now then" He said, grabbing the laptop and doing the whole money shit.
"We should probably tell Zoe" i laughed, picking up my phone.
Zoe- Hey Troye!
Troye- Zoe hey, so we literally just booked a flight to England. Its tomorrow at 9am so we should land around 6pm, your time.
Zoe- Yeahh!!Make sure when youve got settled in your hotel, come to mine for dinner okay?
Troye- I love you boo
Zoe- Love you too troyeboy
and we hung up.

"So what shall we do tonight?" i asked Tyler
"Well i need to film a video but i dont mind what we do after" he smiled
"Ill get you my tripod" i got it and set everything up as he started filming his prank calls video,which made me piss myself. He called Miranda who talked in her normal colleen voice until she knew he meant as Miranda, it was hilarious.
When he finished we went downstairs to see what
everyone was doing.
I saw mom, dad and sage sitting on the couch watching the lion king
"Hey" i said, walking into the living room.
"Hey honey, did yous get the flight booked?" My mom smiled
"Yes, 9am tomorrow" i replied
"Cool, so what yous doing tonight?" she asked us
"I dont know, might just sit in, watch a movie or something" I answered
"Yous might wanna pack" Sage laughed
"Oh shit yeah" i laughed
"Troye" mom said, giving me a look. Tyler burst out laughing and we walked up to our room to pack.
Tyler Pov
We have just finished packing our bags and are now cuddling on Troyes bed watching his youtube videos from the start. We were pissing ourselves
"I am such a freak oh my lord" Troye laughed. We were currently watching the video 'If websites were people part 1' which was fucking hilarious. He mentioned me at one point and i pissed everywhere. It was nearly finished and we both knew his coming out video was after this. The video ended and he was about to click the video after his coming out but i clicked on it, wanting to watch it.
He looked at me, his eyebrows down
"What?" i asked him
"We dont need to watch this one" he said blushing
"Yes, we do" He rolled his eyes, as i just gave him an annoying smirk as the video started.

When he got to the bit where he said about his dad i looked over at him and was just super proud of him and where he has come.
"Wanna stop looking at me maybe?" he asked smiling at me
"Im just so proud"
"Why" he asked
"I know ive said it before, but you really have came so far since you came out" i rested my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his hands around my waist.
"Thanks but your a big part of my coming out so thank yourself"
I didnt answer as i knew i was not a part of it, it was all his beautiful self.
"Tyler, its already 10 and we have a flight early in the morning, we should probably go to sleep now" Troye said, carefully lifting my head and putting his laptop away.
"Its hardly early troye" i rolled my eyes
"But okay" i nodded. We took everything but our boxers off and cuddled into his bed together, going to sleep instantely.
short and boring chapter im so sorry god

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