I love you

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Tyler pov
"Kayla technically picked it but I bought it" he winked, grabbing my hand and putting the box in it.
I smiled at him and opened up the tiny box. Inside was the most gorgeous bracelet ever. I felt tears in my eyes? it was perfect, he was perfect.
"You like it baby?" he smiled, squeezing my hand
"It's perfect" I laughed, kissing his cheek.
"Thank you beautiful" I whispered in his ear. I felt shivers down his body.
"I love you so much" he said kissing my neck quickly.
"Your turn" he smirked.
Shit. This was the moment that I had been waiting for my whole life. I hope it went to plan. If it doesn't, I'll be forever depressed my whole entire lifetime.
Troye Pov
Tyler seemed to like the bracelet. I saw tears in his eyes, but he said it was perfect so it's a good thing I guess.  He fumbled in his pocket before I saw what he was holding in his hand. Holy shit
He got down on his knee and the tears formed.
He looked up and grabbed my hand, kissing it softly before looking into my eyes.
"The moment I met you I knew I loved you so incredibly much. We have been through so much but I know I couldn't have gone this far without you. You are my whole entire life and I can't think of anyone else I'd rather spend my married life then with you. So Troye Sivan Mellet, gay marriage is legal, what do you say?" He gave me a nervous smile but I couldn't respond in time because I would have bury out crying. So I nodded, I nodded and starting crying my eyes out. He gave me the biggest, most beautiful smile if ever seen and stood up. He wiped my tears away and rubbed his hands in my hair before smashing his lips onto mine. I was engaged to the most amazing person on this earth and I couldn't be happier.
I looked up at the noise to see fireworks above us.
"You planned this timing didn't you" I smirked
"I love you"
"I love you" I whispered, rejoining my lips to my beautiful perfect fionces. 
Short but PERFECT.
can this happen in real life please omf
So its over oh my god!!!This has been so amazing, read the next part!I love yous❤️

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