Friends again

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Tyler Pov
"TROYE WAKE UP ITS VIDCON TODAY!!!!!" I yelled, at Troye. The fact we were leaving in an hour and Troye still hadnt gotten up was worrying.
He jumped and was about to fall out, but luckily i caught him, so his face was now 2 inches from mine. He opened his sleepy eyes, still in my arms.
"I could wake up to this more often" He smirked. I rolled my eyes and lifted him up
"Get dressed, now"
i walked into the kitchen, letting him change and got bowls for cereal out, we had no time for anything else.
After about 20 minutes Troye came out, looking all sexy in his blacks boots, black jeans, baby blue top and a cute little necklace with the Mcdonalds 'M' on it.
"Like?" He smirked, catching me looking at him.
"Very much" I smirked, kissing his cheek before handing him his breakfast, sitting down to eat mine.
"Hey did you call the hotel about rooms?" Troye asked me
"Yeah, and the best part is, once changed a second time, ya cant change again so Connor has to forgive Joey" I winked, before cleaning our dishes away and getting ready to go.
was all i could hear the drive there. Happy Little Pill had came on the radio station and although the song had ended maybe an hour ago?he was still going on about it. I dont mind, im so proud of him, he deserves it and the song is amazing.
"Im proud of you babe" I smiled
"Thanks, im so happy" He smiled
"Shit i think we were meant to turn in here" I cursed, turning around.
I pulled up the street of the hotel beside the conference centre and parked our car.
"Call Zoe and ask where they are" i told Troye.
He nodded and called her, walking to the side.
I walked up to reception, getting our rooms sorted.
When i got the key i thanked the lady and walked to Troye, who had just hung up.
"Everyone is in her room, which is 734. Whats our room?" Troye asked
"Oh same floor, 746" I replied as we got the elevator up to our room

"Well isnt this fancy" Troye said amazed, as we walked into the huge room.
"This is a room for two people?Well shit" i laughed
We unpacked our bags before finding Zoes room.
We knocked on the door.
"Guys come in!!" Zoe screamed, hugging us both.
We walked into the room to find basically everyone sitting in the huge room.
"Troyler!!!!!" Everyone screamed.
I saw Colleen, Marcus, Niomi, Jim, Tanya, Louise, Casper, Joe, Joey, Alfie, Bethany, Hannah, Ingrid, Ricky and of course Mamrie.
"Guys!!!" Me and Troye screamed going round everyone, hugging and kissing them.
"We missed yous all!!" Tanya smiled and we all agreed.
"Joey, good to have ya back man" Ricky smiled.
"Good to be back" he smiled as we all said our 'awws'.
"Wheres connor?" Hannah asked
I looked at Joey who just looked at the ground
"Hes on his way, traffic" Ricky answered
"We had no traffic" I said confused
"Me neither" Joey spoke up
Ricky turned red, "Maybe he came a different way"
"Okay now why is Connor actually not here" i sassed
"Okay Okay, hes with some..guy he likes but please dont tell anyone im not meant to say" Ricky begged
We all screamed, happy for Connor. Joey was smiling the most, i guess he was happy for him even though they werent friends. I loved that about Joey, i missed him a lot.
We stayed round to chat until it was time for our greeting party for all the youtubers. Me and Tyler went back to freshen up before heading down.
I felt someone cover my eyes, i turned round and saw Connor staring at me.
"CONNOR!!!!" I screamed
"TROYE!!!!" i screamed back,hugging him like two girls, not caring.
"Man i missed ya like fuck!!I havent seen you since the house we all stayed at!!!!" He laughed
"I know i know, how you been?" I smiled.
"Good, very good yeah, you?" He asked but i didnt get to reply before Tyler came over.
"And where were you earlier mister" He sassed
"Out" Connor smirked before going over to Tanya and Niomi
"He didnt say about the room" i questioned.
"He probs doesnt know yet" He replied, before grabbing my hand and leading it over to the food table.
"Joey Graceffa why are you standing alone?" I asked. He was sitting on some lonely bench and had been for the last ten minutes.
"Just taking a break" He smiled. I sat down beside him.
"Break from what?"
I saw tears forming in his eyes so i grabbed his arms and pulled him into a hug, his head on my chest.
"Everything will turn out okay, i swear" I promised and hugged him before wiping his tears away and grabbing his hand to the party again.
Connor Pov
Tonight was so good, i loved seeing everyone again. The best part was, Joey wasnt there, fuck him.
I unlocked my door to find the lights on inside, did i leave them on? I walked in to find the last person id want to be sitting on my bed, sitting on my bed.
"Hi" Joey smiled awkwardly.
"What the hell" i said angrily
"The hotel double booked so we have to share a room" He said, clearly nervous as he was turning red.
"Fuck this, im not staying in here with you" i shouted before turning around.
"No please, wait" He begged
"Why would i?"
"Because i miss you like crazy, you have no idea how much i need you" he begged.
The truth was, i missed him too but he was a jerk to me, i couldnt let him know he wasnt.
"Fine, explain, but dont expect me to listen" i said. setting myself on MY bed.
I held Joey in my arms as we cried together.
"Please say your okay now" i cried
"Im getting there but the fact you forgive me makes everything complete"
I cringed at our gayness but fuck it, we were gay, it was allowed.
"Im sorry Joey, im not mad anymore i promise. Your my bestfriend i missed ya a lot" I said
"i missed you too con" he smiled, getting out of my grip.
"So we are okay again?" He asked, nervously
"Of course we are ya idiot, but in future, i never lie to you" i smirked
"I know you dont" He smiled back.
"Okay so now we are normal again, whos the guy you were out with?" he smirked.
"What?What guy what?"
Who the fuck told him.
"Fuck up" he smirked
"Ricky" i angrily said
"We got it out of him, now explain"
"Well hes called Ryan and we arent dating but we are getting closer....."
We talked the whole night about him until we both fell asleep, i was glad to have my best mate back again
Cute cute cute.
Btw i wont be adding every youtuber during vidcon, thats so hard😂

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