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Tyler Pov
I had decided to go food shopping today, i wasnt in the mood to go out anymore since my call with Troye had made me upset. I started unpacking the food when i heard a knock at my door. I opened it to find a crying Connor.
"Connor?" I brought him to the sofa and let him cry on my chest, just as Troye has done before.
"Con, what happened?" He never cries, so it must be bad
"Joey didnt believe me, just as i thought. I was just angry at first but then he said im just upset its the truth and fuck that hurt seeing as hes meant to be my bestfriend in the whole world like um ever"
I smiled a bit at the fact that Connor can still be sassy even when hes crying and upset.
"He just needs time, he didnt mean it, you know how Joey is. He was stressed out and it probably just slipped out. If he doesnt want to believe you thats his choice, but when he sees how much of a dick Daniel is, he will come running back to you saying sorry okay?"
"Thanks ty, your right. I should just wait until he gets proof himself. Sorry for crying on your shirt" He blushed, also something he never does frequently.
"Ah its cool. Stay for a while, im not busy" I smiled
"Sure, can i use your bathroom to freshen up"
I laughed and nodded my head. I finished unpacking the grocerys until he came out.
"Tyler, wanna do a collab?" connor said, walking out.
"Yeah, i need a new video actually so yeah perfect!Let me grab my camera and tripod"
"Okay so we can do the whisper callenge on your channel and charades on mine?" Connor said
"Sounds good"
We filmed my video first, it was hilarious because Connor was so shit as it.
When we did Charades, we both love drama, so we both did it so dramatic, it was also hilarious.
"Shit tyler, its 9 i should head back now. Thanks again for tonight, i didnt know who else to go too" Connor got up and put his jacket on
"Not a problem, i wasnt doing anything, so no biggie"
We said our goodbyes and he left. I ended up staying up till 11pm editing the video, planning on putting it up in the morning. I checked my phone to see i had 3 messages from Troye, shit.
From: TroyeSivan:)
Heyyyy sexyyyyy
From: TroyeSivan:)
Have you died wth
Okay this is rude dude

I laughed and replied quickly
To: TroyeSivan:)
So sorry babe!Connor came round crying, long story tell you whenever we skype soon. Its late over here so im heading to bed, ill talk when i wake up i love you!!
And with that i went to bed
short chapters are shit

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