Childhood memories

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Troye Pov
I woke up with Tyler in my arms. We had a bowl of unfinished popcorn beside us and the box set of gossip girl sitting at the end of my bed from last night. i checked the time and saw: 9am.
Early shit. Tyler was still sleeping so i carefully unwrapped myself from him and grabbed my laptop. I started editing a video i had made just before VidCon. I hadnt put a video up last week so i had to get this one done, to put up tomorrow.

After about an hour i heard a knock at my door.
"Come in" i said.
Sage walked in smiling but it faded when she saw Tyler sleeping.
"Oh shit sorry" she frowned
"No dont worry, hes a heavy sleeper, come here" i smiled.
She came over and leaned her head on my shoulder as i wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her into a tight hug.
"I missed you sagey"
"I missed you too Troye" She smiled
"What video did you film?"
"Oh i did like a coming out part two type of thing. Im gunna do like a series of topics for young people, basically my younger subscribers" i answered
"Im so proud of you Troye, know that"
"Love you sagey" i smiled as she got off me and walked towards the door
"Oh, i forgot why i came in here. Mom said breakfasts ready for yous two"
"Be down in a minute. Ill get him up" i smiled, getting up
She nodded and closed our door.
I put my laptop away and walked to the side of the bed Tyler was facing.
"Ty, time to get up" i whispered into his ear.
I saw his hand flinch as his eyes started to open.
"Im not a heavy sleeper babe" He smirked, before streching his arms.
"You little sneak" i smirked, grabbing his hand and helping him up. He stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Ty, mom made breakfast, we can do this later" i moaned, but not saying that i wasnt enjoying it.
"Okay Okay" he let go and smiled at me, giving me a short peck on the lips before following me down to the kitchen.
"Morning mom"
"Morning boys" She smiled, greeting us.
We sat at the table and she set plates in front of us. She had made pancakes and nutella, obviously, and then she had also put a side of bacon for us to share. This is why my moms the best
"This is so great, thank you" Tyler smiled
"Thanks mom"
"Oh your always welcome boys" She smiled before walking out of the kitchen
"So what do you wanna do today tilly?" i asked while stuffing my mouth with pancake
"Im kinda in the mood for a walk, you know?"
"Sure, i have the perfect place. All of us used to camp down at this little forest about 3 miles from here. Its a great place for privacy and walks" I winked at the last sentence.
He just rolled his eyes and laughed.
Tyler Pov
"Man, perth is beautiful" I laughed, as we walked hand in hand on the walking trail.
"Yeah, i love it" he smiled, squeezing my hand and led me down to a river.
"We should have brought a picnic"
"Aw damn" i said, annoyed at how perfect it would have been.
"Oh well, another time. Sit, its beautiful here"
I sat down beside him and he wrabbed his arms around me, pulling me in to cuddle into his chest.
We just sat, contently enjoying the beautiful nature.
"Me and Sage used to count how many fish we saw. She always won, i guess shes always been very observant" He laughed
"theres one" i pointed, playing his childhood game
"And theres another one, hey its r-red!!" i shouted, acting like a kid but really excited by this.
"Or maybe im just shit" Troye exclaimed
I looked up at him and just looked at him. My boyfriend. He was so perfect. I loved him so so much.
"Enjoying the view?" he smirked.
"Very much so baby" i winked, leaning in and giving him a short but sweet kiss before pulling him up and walking back to our car.
"Hey!I havent seen you in ages!" Troye said, greeting a girl who im guessing was Tydes girlfriend, Kendall as they were cuddling on the sofa, very cute.
"i know right?" She laughed
"Oh Ken, this is Tyler. My boyfriend and Tyler this is Kendall, Tydes girlfriend" Troye said, introducing us.
"Wait Tyler Oakley right?"
"Thats me" i laughed
"Right. My bestfriend is youtube crazy, i dont watch any videos but im positive if you asked me any questions on anyone id know them. She went so crazy when she found out i was dating 'Thee Tyde Levi' who was 'Troye Sivans brother'" She laughed.
"Aw thats cute. Let me meet her one time, im sure thatd be okay, right Troye?"
"Sure" He smiled
"Nice meeting you Tyler" she smiled as we walked up the stairs
"You too"
We got into Troyes bedroom and i closed the door behind me.
"I like her" i smiled
"Me too. Shes a great infleunce for Tyde" Troye answered.
'Love me like you love love me-'
Troyes phone started ringing.
I just rolled my eyes at his ring tone.
"Hey!...Great, you?.....really?...he will go crazy...i know i know....right i will bye.." Troye said, hanging up.
"Who was that?" I asked, curious at 'who would go crazy'
"Casper. Its blessings birthday and Casper managed to get Rihanna tickets for him, from both of us. I just need to send him the money" Troye said, opening his money jar.
"How much do you need?"
"60. Ive saved up for this, so i got it" he smirked, bringing out the money.
He sat down on the bed and held out his arms for me to hug him.
I leaned in and hugged his chest tightly.
He whispered heavily into my ear, "We have a free house tonight you know"
"How come?" i asked, in my not-so-sexy normal voice.
"Mom and Dad are at a wedding party, Sage is staying at her friends house and Tyde is going to a birthday party with Kendall in about an hour"
I looked up and smirked at him.
He pulled my chin up to him so that our noses were touching. I couldnt take it any longer and turned fully around, so i was facing him. I smirked and grabbed the back of his neck and smashed my lips onto his, lovingly.
He moaned during it, which turned me on big time. He licked my lips asking for entrance, but i didnt open, leaving him annoyed. He moaned through the kiss and flipped us around, so that he was lying on top of me, without breaking the kiss.
I could feel myself growing bigger every moment and it didnt help when he started grinding on me. He rubbed his dick on mine, leaving us both moaning.
"Troye" i moaned, during the kiss
"Your brother" I moaned again, after being ignored the first time.
"Shit" he cursed, breaking the kiss. He got off me and rolled around lying beside me.
"Dickhead" was all i could say. He got me turned on for nothing and now dick needs touched or else im going to explode, not even kidding
"Sorry, i forgot. Tonight, i promise. Its our night tonight and im gunna make you feel like never before" he spoke in a voice id never heard before. Like a kind of...confident but scary tone in his voice. All i knew was i couldnt wait till his brother and Kendall left this god damn house.
"Lets see when they are going" Troye said, proceeding to get off the bed.
"Troye i cant"
"You cant do that"
"Do what"
"You cant rub your fucking buldge against me, while moaning and then expect me to be okay when you stop" i exclaimed
"So your saying you need to rub.." he smirked sitting back down on the bed
"Im saying if you do that again there wont be a bright future for you" I sweetly smiled, but he still gave me that same creepy smirk he always gave me.
Suddenly he put his hand on my thigh and worked my way up to my 'area'. He got to my dick and started rubbing through my shorts, slowly getting faster.
"Fuuuckkkk" i quietly moaned
He rubbed faster and faster and it got harder to keep my moans quiet every time.
He stopped and kissed me on the lips.
"Better?" He smirked, getting off the bed and pulling me up before i got the change to say anything.
Wow Troye

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