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Troye Pov
When we got home we decided to call our parents and tell them about us. We were calling my mom and dad first and being honest, i was shitting it. I know my parents love Tyler so much, but im still scared in case they think he is too old or whatever.
When i heard the phone dials i freaked out
i felt Tylers hand on my leg
"Hey only if your ready"' he said
I didnt get time to reply as i heard my moms voice threw the phone
"Troye hey!" She said cheerfully
"Hey mom" i replied, not so cheerfully
"Hows La?Hows Tyler?" She asked me
"Well thats actually what i wanted to talk to you about"
I rolled my eyes
"Mom i need to tell you something" I said
"I thought after you coming out there would be no secrets eh?" i could sense her smiling threw the phone
"Well its to do with that" i nervously replied
"You have a boy dont you, troye tell me everything whats his name?" She squeeled
"His name is Tyler, Tyler Oakley and i love him with all my heart" i said, proud of myself for being confident
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" She screamed down the phone so loud im pretty sure a cat outside could hear it, a cat in LA.
"Mom calm" I laughed
"Aw Troye baby im so happy for you!!And tyler. I love yous both Troye!!"
I smiled at her happiness
"i love you too Mom, can u tell the others?" I asked
"Sure honey, oh im so happy. Ill text you tomorrow"
"Okay bye mom"
"Bye sweetheart"
I hung up the phone and looked at Tyler
We caught eye contact and just burst out laughing
I got up and sat on his lap as he wrapped his arms around my hips
"I think its safe to say we are accepted into the Mellet family yeah?" He smirked
"Yah i think so" I laughed
"I love you troye" He whispered
"I love you too Ty" I replied before giving him a short kiss
I got off his lap and handed him his phone and said,
"Your turn"
He nervously laughed and dialed his mothers number
Tyler Pov
Mom: Heyyyy!!
Tyler: Hey mom, how are you?
Mom: Im great honey hows my baby?
Tyler: great!
Mom: What ya need?
Tyler: Well mom, i need to tell you something
Mom: go ahead
Tyler: You know Troye?Yeah....hes my boyfriend
Mom: Tyler oh my god!!!!!!!!!!Amazing!!!!Finally yous are together!!took ya long enough there Ty
Tyler: Oh mom, whatever. Well im glad you accept it
Mom: Of course i do, i love Troye
Tyler: Well ill talk to ya soon mom, love ya
Mom: Love you too Tyler
I hung up and just tackled poor Troye to the floor. We laughed and acted like 5 year olds for about 5 minutes until i finally got off him and announced im making dinner and started walking to the kitchen
"No no no no no" Troye shouted running after me into the kitchen
"No?" I questioned
"No. My turn to cook. You just sit yourself down and watch me do the work okay?" He said pushing me down to the seat
"Sure yeah" I winked, knowing he is not the best cook in the world.
now they need to tell the viewers😏😏

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