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Troye Pov
We had just gotten on the plane to San Francisco. All of our eyes were red from crying so i was just hoping i would see no fans, i was not in the mood as much as i love them.
I sat beside Sage. We didnt speak for about ten minutes until she broke the silence between us
"Troye?" She looked at me
"Yeah Sagey" I said using her nickname to lighten the mood
"Im scared" Her eyes filled with tears and i realised i would have to be the strong one here and comfort her.
"me too, me too" I hugged her the best i could, considering we were on an airplane
"Itll be okay. Ive heard the San hospital is very caring for their patients. Tyler used to live there, and said its the best of the best"
I suddenly remembered that i hadnt talked to Tyler since yesterday morning, i hadnt even looked at my phone. I just probably tell him what was happening.
"Im going to the bathroom"
Sage nodded and started watching some disney movie she loved as a child.
I went into the small, stuffy plane bathrooms and got my phone out to text Tyler, ignoring the 7 text messages he had sent me before.
To: Tylerbae
Sorry i havent replied. Things have been a little crazy round here. Im on a flight right now, to San. Ill explain when we land. I love you ty and i dont express it enough. I love you so fucking much and you dont get the amount of love i have for you because i dont explain it enough. Im so thankful for you, for us.
I sent it and went back to my side, trying to get some sleep.
Tyler Pov
"Connor read this" I handed my phone to Connor, confused. He read it and looked up, just as confused as i was.
"Why would Troye be coming to america now?and not even where we are?Does he have any reason to be in San Francisco?" Connor asked, just as confused as i am
I thought for a minute and suddenly remembered Steele!
"Oh my god, how did i not guess. His older brother, Steele, lives there!Oh god i hope nothing awful has happened" I cried
"Ty, its okay. Im sure everything is okay. Dont worry about it" Connor said, squeezing my hand
"Theyre close, Troye would be ruined" It was bad that i was mainly just worried about Troye, but anyway.
"Come on, ill drive you home now" Connor said as the movie ended.
Troye Pov
Steele?I hope everything is okay. I love you baby, so much.

It made tears fall because i know everything is not okay. I needed him, but asking him to go to San Francisco was madness.
We had just landed and were in a taxi to our hotel, planning on just putting our bags in a room and heading straight to the hospital.
"Troye, we're here" My dad said, smiling a smile that was full of fakeness and sadness.
I grabbed my bags and walked to reception to get our rooms sorted. I was staying with Tyde and Sage in a room, mum and dad in the other. We got our keys and literally put our bags in the rooms and left.
Everytime we went on family hoildays and got a hotel, all of us had a race from the lift to the hotel room but this time was different, it wasnt a happy hoilday, hell it wasnt even a hoilday.
It all went to fast for me to handle. We had gotten a taxi to the hospital to find it wasnt visiting hours. We explained our situation and that we were family and they said 'Steele Mellet' was being x-rayed right now and we had to wait 20 minutes. So we are currently waiting in this place, it may be pretty, but this is not where i want to be.
"Steele Mellet family, follow me" A kind nurse smiled and led us to a room.
"Im sorry, yous cant go in at the same time. Mother and Father first?" The kind nurse said
We nodded and mum and dad went in as we waited outside.
Sage started crying again, this time Tyde was holding her although he was crying himself. I realised i was the oldest here, i had to be the strong one.
i walked over to where they were sitting
"Hey guys, it will be okay. Think of this as Steele sleeping, we all know he loves his sleep right?Hes gunna wake up, hes just having really good dreams and doesnt want to wake up right now" I grabbed both their hands and they smiled, a real smile.
"Your the best Troye" Sage said squeezing my hand
Tyde just gave me a small smile before we were called in. Mum and dad walked out, mum mouthing 'Be strong'.
I walked in and saw Steele lying on a bed, with tubes and all sorts of stuff poking out of him, and about 50 machines all beeping around him.
"Oh god" i heard Sage say as she sat beside him and held his hand, crying.
Tyde sat beside her, clearly trying not to cry, but not working as tears started running down his eyes. I couldnt move. I felt sick at my stomach.
I knealt beside him, with Sage and Tyde.
"Hey itll be okay, remember what i said?he will wake up when he wants to wake up"
A second later the nurse came in and told us we had to go because he was getting his monitor checked or something
"Can i just have two more minutes please" I asked her
"Course dear, be quick" She said and exited the room
Now that i was alone i could tell Steele what i came here for.
How pretty is the name Sage like actually?!

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