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Troye Pov
"Morning princess" I smiled as Tyler woke up beside me.
"Fuck up" he smirked, cuddling into my side, looking at my laptop screen.
"Wanna go to IHOP for breakfast?" I asked him, shutting my laptop off
"Sure" he smiled, getting up and walking into the bathroom

"Can i have 2 pancakes with bacon please?" i ordered to the nice lady
"Sure sweetie" She replied, taking our menus and walking away.
"So beach today?" he asked
"Yeh we can go a walk up the pier" I smiled
"Wait lets do that tonight, there will be a prettier sunset" He told me
"Yeah, okay"

Ten Minutes plates were handed to us and we ate every bit of our pancakes, walking out hand in hand after paying for our food.

We got to the hotel and got our swimming shorts on and walked to the beach, with our towels, sunlotion, headphones and our phones in a bag we found.
"Come in the wateerrrrrr" Tyler yelled once we had claimed our space.
We ran into the water and started messing about with eachother, having a splashing war.
"Scuse me, you are wetting my daughter and i?" A woman said behind us.
We turned around to see a woman with her arm around, guessing, her daughter who was looking down at the ocean, not looking us in the eye
"Oh, so sorry!" Tyler kindly spoke
"Dont do it again!" she shouted, pointing her finger.
The girl looked us and her eyes practically fell out.
"Your Troye Sivan!" She pointed at me
"And Tyler Oakley!Oh my gosh" she smiled. She was a very pretty girl, about 14 id say with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes, the colour of the sky. But you could tell she had been crying as her eyes were red and tears were in her eyes. Even though i didnt know her. i felt like she had a very broken smile
"Hi!" Tyler smiled
"Mom, their youtubers. Remember the TRXYE jumper i got?Troyes clothing range!" She exclaimed
"Aw thanks cutie for buying it!" I smiled leaning in for a hug in the ocean before being grabbed by the arm and pushed away
"Get away from my daughter, faggots!" The woman shouted, dragging her daughter out of the ocean and marching up to the hotel.
"Oh...well she was nice" I laughed
"Idiot" Tyler said, annoyed.
"I feel sorry for that girl, she seemed nice" I sadly spoke, Tyler nodded.
"Lets go and relax" He smiled, walking up to our towels.
I got my headphones out and lay down in the sun, closing my eyes and listening to some Lady GaGa, Tylers influence.
3 hours later
Tyler Pov
"Troye wake up babe" I said, shaking Troye who had fallen asleep, listening to his music.
"Troye!" i yelled, shaking him again with no success
I leaned down and kissed him on the lips, causing him to open his eyes.
"Hey" he smirked.
I rolled my eyes and took his headphones off him.
"Its 4. Lets go get ready and go out to dinner" I said, packing up our things.

We walked into the lobby to see the girl we had saw with her mother today, although she was sitting in the corner on one of the sofas, staring at the floor. As we walked closer we saw she had been crying...again.
I looked at Troye and he nodded, walking towards her.
"Hey" Troye smiled. She looked up and turned red.
"Oh..uum..hi" she blushed
"Didnt really get a change earlier, did you want a picture?" i asked, as we sat beside her.
She looked around as we sat down, obviously looking for her mother.
"I dont think thats a good idea.." she frowned
i looked at Troye, frowning myself.
"Your mother...she seems very..controlling" i said, in the nicest way possible
"Im so sorry for what she..called yous..it was horrible. Shes a very strong christian..and has an opinion on..everything" She blushed
Troye nodded and pulled his phone out, taking a photo of the three of us.
"I cant believe i actually met yous!Legit a dream" She laughed
"Aw cute!" I smiled, rubbing her arm.
"Whats your name?" Troye asked her
"Tara..and if my mom finds me here with yous..she'll....never mind" She said, flustering.
"Tara...your mother seems..different to you" I said, finding myself wanting to almost..help this poor girl.
She looked at me for a moment and then burst into tears. Fuck, i made a fan cry.
"Oh shit, im sorry i didnt mean to upset you" I said, moving closer to her and hugging her back, even though i hardly knew her.
After a minute or two she stopped crying and looked down to the ground.
"Im sorry for crying..when i pictured meeting you i thought it would be..well not with my mom and not crying in front of you i guess" She sweetly smiled.
"Do you wanna tell us about your mom?Maybe itll help?" Troye offered.
"Oh..you dont need to stay with me. My mom is getting a massage..shell be back in an hour" She sadly smiled
"An hour?Fuck..we can stay sure, we arent busy!" Troye smiled
"This is a dream come true. Yous are both so inspiring!And for the record..my mom may be against lgbt but..well..im really not!" She laughed
"Well we get that not everyones going to accept it" I answered.
"So your mom..yous dont have the best relationship..do yous?" Troye asked
"Shes not exactly my ideal mother..i mean..if i dont do what im told..she locks me in my room for hours, it sucks.. And the fact that she re-married recently and doesnt like my step-brother is awful because im actually really close to him.And she found my bestfriend and i kissing and she kicked her out of the house and told her never to come back" Tara opened up but almost instately after she said turned red.
"Im sorry, im sure yous dont want to hear all that" She quickly said.
"No please, go ahead" Troye assured her, smiling at her.
"Well..i got Connors book and she randomly asked me if he has a girlfriend and i stupidly told her hes gay and..well that was a big mistake because that was the day after she found me and my friend kissing and she told me it was his bad infleunce. She threw the book out before i could even finish it" She rolled her eyes
"Thats awful!" I complained, looking at Troye, shocked at how horrible this bitch was.
"So when i wanted your jumper Troye..i didnt tell her you were gay otherwise she wouldnt have got me the jumper"
"But today.." he awkwardly said
"She brought me up to the hotel and asked why i had lied to her about getting a jumper of..." she stopped, obviously not wanting to offend us.
"A sinner" he smirked
"Yeh" she answered.
"Im so sorry you have to deal with that" I said, concerned for her.
"Here..type your number into my phone" Troye said handing her his phone.
She looked at the phone and then up to Troye
"Wha-What?" she said shocked
Troye laughed and repeated himself
"Your kidding right" she said, fully serious.
"No, go on"
She grabbed the phone and put her number in
"I cant believe this..holy shit" she covered her mouth after she swore.
Troye laughed
"Sorry..its a habit. If i swore in front of my mother she would send me to boarding school...a christian one" she laughed
"Its okay. If you need someone to talk to..call me okay?I know we only met but still" Troye smiled
"Th-Thank you so so much!!" she screamed with excitement.
"No problem. See you around, Tara. And i hope everything goes okay with your mother in your future...and your friend" Troye smiled
"Wait, what age are you?" i asked
"Im 15" she answered smiling
"Thought that" I smiled before we got up and walked out of the hotel

We had just gotten back from dinner and were now walking to the beach for a walk and the whole time i couldnt stop thinking about that girl Tara. She had so much pain in her eyes and her smile was only real with Troye gave her his number.
"Troye..do you think Tara is going to call?" i asked, as we walked to the pier, hand in hand,for the sunset.
"I hope so. I feel so bad for her" he said, looking out to sea
"Me too" i sighed
"Look how beautiful the sunset is though" Troye pointed as walked onto the pier.
I agreed as we both got out our phones to take photos.
Hope this was okay for you guys

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