Anything for you

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Troye Pov
Me and Tyler sat down on the couch after eating out dinner. We were going to watch Mean girls two, surprise surprise.

Half way threw the movie I noticed Tyler breathing heavily, more then usual.
"Ty, are you okay?Your breathing faster then a fucking hurricane over there?"
"Yeah Yeah I'm fine, don't worry"
I wasn't convinced at all
"Tyler, don't lie to me, what's up?"
he finally looked into my eyes. His beautiful eyes were filled with tears
"Oh Tillyyyy"
I brought him closer to my chest, letting him soak my shirt I was wearing. I rubbed my hands threw his hair as I waited a minute to ask what was he crying about.
I love him, fuck I can't god I hate love but I love him God Troye!!
"Ty, what's wrong?"
He lifted his head slightly and looked at me again, my arm still around his waist.
"I...I..I can'"
He stuttered
"Tilly your my bestfriend you can tell me anything!"
What could he not tell me?That hurt like shit.
"I can't troye, not right now anyway..I'm sorry"
The tears ran down his face more and more so I quickly pressed my thumb, Making them disappear.
"Thank you for trusting me troye, I promise I'll tell you when the time is right"
He looked up and cracked a smile

"Anything for you Ty"
I had to force a smile. What could he not tell me?Well I would find out tomorrow when everyone arrives to the house
Tyler had fallen asleep on my chest, so fucking adorable.
I decided to make things a little fun round here, since he had cried twice today.
I walked into his kitchen and opened the fridge, trying to find a water bottle.
I grabbed it and opened it. I got closer to Tyler and threw it all over his face. He gasped and sat up
"Troye Sivan Mellet you little bitch" He said chasing me around his living room until i ran into the bedroom and flopped on the bed. He ran in and tackled me with tickles.
"Ttttyller stopp" I laughed
"Say Tyler Oakley is the most perfect boy ive ever met" He said, sitting on my chest now, but still tickling me.
"Ttyler Oakley is the mmmost perfect boy ive eeever met" I said. He stopped tickling and got off me.
"Paybacks a bitch Troye" He smirked and carried his PJ's into his bathroom.
There will be longer chapters i swear

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