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Tyler Pov
I opened my eyes at the brightness shining threw the curtains. I turned round to see troyes bare chest lying facing me. I reminded myself of last night. It proved to me that i just cant be with anyone else.
Troyes hand moved and he started opening his eyes. He saw me looking and smiled.
"Morning gorgeous" i spoke
"Morning" he smiled
He put his arms around me and i lay on his chest as he massaged my neck
"Last night was the best night of my life tilly"
"Me too" i smiled, relaxing at his massaging.
We both froze.
"Shit shit shit" we cursed as we got up and quickly got clothes.
"I need a shower troye?" i whined
"Fine go quickly" he rolled his eyes
"dont you need one?" i said, flirting slightly
"I took one yesterday, ill be fine"
now it was my turn to roll my eyes as i grabbed my clothes and walked into the bathroom.

Me and Troye walked downstairs, fully beautified and smiled at his family who were sitting eating breakfast.
"Toast in the toaster" Sage smiled
"Okiiiee" troye smiled, hitting Tyde on the head, walking past.
We got our toast and sat beside them at the table.
"So what did yous do last night boys?" Shaun asked
"Oh you know..just watched some movies, the usual" Troye said, blushing
"Then why are you blushing?" Sage butted in
"What no im not"
"Yes, you are. Sure yous didnt do more last night then watch movies?" Tyde winked
"Shut up Tyde" Troye rolled his eyes
"I think he did do more then we know" Sage laughed
"Im leaving" Troye yelled, grabbing his breakfast and storming up to his bedroom.
"Wow its a joke" Sage rolled her eyes
"Tyler honey, is he okay?" Laurelle asked, kindly.
"Yeah, he seemed great when he woke up" I said, confused
"Its because he knows we are right" Tyde laughed
"Right Tyler?" He smirked, wanting an answer
"Maybe" i winked, laughing
"Oh my god lets stop talking about my gay sons sex life, who knows what goes on there" Shaun laughed, rolling his eyes
"And i think thats my queue to leave" i laughed, walking upstairs
"We are leaving in half an hour, be ready"
I walked back up to his room to find Troye setting up his camera for a video.
"How are you not embarrassed?" he asked as i walked in.
"I am, but i dont blush" I sat beside him and grabbed his hand, causing him to stare at me
"yes you do" he smiled
"Whatever. What video are you making?" i asked
"Oh just an #AskTroye" he replied
"Cool cool. Well your mom said to be ready in half an hour"
"Its a quick video to make" he replied
I moved to the opposite side of the room and went on tumblr while he made his video. I wasnt really paying attention to what the questions were but one stood out to me.
'If you could do one thing with one person for your last day, what would it be?'
I thought long and hard about it. If i could do one thing with one person? Id go anywhere special as long as im with my Troye.He did his outro and put his camera away.
"Troye, what did you say for this question?" I pointed at his list of questions, "I was thinking about the question myself instead of listening to your answer"
"Everyone is gunna go nuts. I said id go somewhere really cute with Tyler. Like a midnight walk or an abandended theme park or something"
"Ha your blushing!!" he shouted
"Fuck up, we need to go now" i rolled my eyes but could feel myself blush more
He wrapped his arms around mine and kissed my neck before we walked hand in hand downstairs.
"This is beautiful Laurelle" i smiled, "Australia is just so gorgeous. I really love the nature of it all"
"Ah i love it here too" she smiled
"Troye Zoe called me either, i forgot to tell you" Sage said, walking beside us
"What why?" He asked confused
"She tried to call both of yous last night and yous didnt pick up, wonder why" she laughed, troye just rolling his eyes.
"Anyway she says shes picked a date, 15th December. So yous have two months to plan"
"Two months, thats it!?" He yelled
"Itll be fine but yous probs need to go to england like really soon" she laughed
"We can look at flights tonight" I said
"And hotels"
"Right" i nodded.
We were walking along a pier and because it was morning, no one else was here. Tyde had brought Kendall because apparantly it was there 4 month anniversary. That reminded me that me and Troye havent even been dating a year but it feels like two.
I listened to the beautiful ocean. I love the sound, it calms me i guess. It was so blue, like Troyes eyes. His eyes reminds me of blue ocean and they calm me, thats another thing i love about him.
"Ty, we are walking back now" Troye smiled, squeezing my hand.
"Okay babe" i smiled, taking my hand out of his and wrapping my arm around his waist.
Troye Pov
"Dad leave me and Ty to the mall, i need to get some things"
"What things?" Tyler asked confused
"Shoes" i laughed and turned the other way so he couldnt comment.
He nodded and dropped us off at the mall, along with Tyde and Kendall.
"Meet in two hours at the food court and ill text dad" Troye said, nodding as we walked to the vans store.
"Why do you need shoes?" Tyler asked confused
"Because my vans are wrecked"
"Ahhhh okay" he nodded
We walked into the store and i saw the person i never wanted to lay my eyes on ever again. I grabbed Tylers hand and walked out.
"What are you doing?"
"I want converse instead" i quickly said
"No, you looked at that guy and walked out. Who is he?"
Shit he noticed.
"Please just come this way" I begged
"Fine but your telling me who he is"
I rolled my eyes and walked into the converse store.
I walked to my size and found a black and white checked pair, exactly what i like.
"Should i try them on?" I asked him, trying to change conversation
"Troye who is he?"
"Maybe i dont need to, theyre already my size"
"Troye fucking Sivan who is he?" He said, frustrated.
I looked at him and sighed, sitting on the bench. He sat beside me
"In my one year high school, i dated girls so i could convince myself i wasnt gay. That guys name is Chris, he was my lab partner and we were pretty close friends. One day i was at his house and he asked about my girlfriend at the time. I told him i didnt know about her and will break up with her but his response was 'Are you gay?' and i was like 'what?no way'. When i finally came out it was after my highschool years but the next day he came to my house. I opened the door and he pushed me against the wall, kissing me and i liked it. He was my first boyfriend" I put my head down
"You never told me about him"
"Didnt need too, he broke my heart two days later when he called me an ugly cunt who couldnt date a frog i was that ugly" I fought the tears away but couldnt help but let them fall when Tyler wrapped his arms around me.
"You are none of them things baby. Your the most amazing guy ill ever meet and i never want to be with anyone else. I love you" he kissed me head and rubbed my arms
"Thanks ty, your the best. I love you too"
"Well lets go show him your worth missing" he smirked, dragging me up.
"What no?!"
"Yes, come on"
"No Tyler, i like these shoes" i moaned
"Vans are your favorite come on!!"
"Ugggghhh" i moaned as he dragged me into the vans store. I avoided eye contact with Chris as i looked at my size of shoes. Tyler was holding my hand the whole time, obviously wanting him to know that we were together, which i didnt mind.
"I like these" i held up a black pair with blue lining around it, in stead of white.
"Troye Mellet" i heard behind me.
I turned around to see Chris standing smirked at us
"Chris" was all i could say
"Havent seen you in a while"
"Yeah, well ive been busy" I was pretty sure im red right now as this was so awkward for me to do.
"Whos this?"
"Im his boyfriend, Tyler" Tyler said, wrapping his arms around my waist tightly, giving him a sick smile.
"Lovely for you" he rolled his eyes and walked away.
"It is lovely for me actually. Troye is the most amazing guy you could ever meet and the fact you cant see that shows how low you are, so fuck up and scan these shoes" Tyler sassed, handing him the shoes.
Chris nodded and grabbed the shoes.
"Itll be 40 dollars" he quietly said.
I handed him the money and he handed me the bag.
"Thanks" i awkwardly said before we walked out the store.
"I love you so fucking much" i laughed
"Love you too beautiful" he smirked.

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