Perfect day

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Troye Pov
Tyler had brought me to some forest park place. I thought theyre would be loads of children and dogs but surprisingly, there wasnt. Only a few couples here and there, Tyler was right this was romantic.
He had made a picnic before we had left, and i was hungry
"Lets go here" I said, picking a spot right in the shade, so we wouldnt have a sun stroke while eating
"Perfect" He smiled, setting out the blanket and setting the basket down.
I got out the food: Bagels with cream cheese, 2 cookies, 2 apples and a mini salad thing for us to share.
"This is so perfect Ty, thank you for bringing me here" I told him as i grabbed hold of his hand and brought it up to my lips to kiss his hand before letting go to eat my bagel
He smiled and leaned over to kiss my cheek
"As long as your happy, im happy" He replied, eating his bagel also.

When we had finished, we sat hand in hand on the blanket in silence, just looking at nature, how beautiful it was here. We must have been sitting for about 20 minutes when Tyler finally spoke
"Wanna go now?" He said looking over at me
"Why, we have only been here for like an hour" i questioned
"I dont mean go home, i have a surprise for you" He winked and helped me up. We gathered out stuff and walked to the car
Tyler Pov
i was taking Troye to my favourite place on this earth. I had took no one up here, so he should feel special.
I drove to the top of the mountain and got out, followed by Troye
"Eh..A mountain top?" Troye asked
"Come here" I said rolling my eyes at his disgust and grabbed his hand, dragging him towards the trees.
I brought him to the Pond i had been too many years before
"Oh my god Ty, this is so beautiful!" He smiled and put his hand over my cheek and leaned in and kissed me before letting go to explore
I sat down on a bit of wood, so i could lean my back against the trees. Troye sat beside me
"How did you find this place" He asked me, putting his head on my shoulder.
"My dad took me up here every sunday. We would sit here and just look at the water and talk about our week. Then he died and mom and i moved to Michigan and i never came back, even when i moved here and started my youtube career. But i remembered earlier and thought i need to take you here. Ive never took anyone up here"
I looked over and saw tears in his eyes
"Troye baby come here" I wrapped my arm around him, his head still on my shoulder
"I love you Tilly" He said into my shoulder
"I love you too Troye" I replied, thinking how perfect my boyfriend was

We had been here for an hour now, just chatting, enjoying our peace alone together.
"Ty, its 5:00" Troye laughed
I laughed too. "Well im not planning on getting up anytime soon, its still bright anyway"
"Oh yeah?" He smirked. Troye got up and started walking towards the car.
"Troye where are you going?" I shouted but got no reply.
Ugh, i need to go i guess. I got up and quickly ran in the direction he had walked in. I got to the car and saw no Troye
"Troye where are you?" No reply
"This isnt even funny, get out of your dumb hiding place" I shouted again but got no reply
Suddenly i heard a whisper in my ear
"It musnt have been that dumb if you didnt find me in the first place"
"TroyeSivan i hate you!!!" I whined turning to face him
"No you dont" He sassed
"Seriously dont do that to me i was scared" I said serious
He stopped smiling and grabbed my hands
"Im sorry Tilly" he looked down
"Its okay, i love you anyway" I replied grabbing his chin to look at me
"i love you too"
I stroked his cheek before making out with him, slowly but lovingly.
"Lets go home" He said before getting into the car.

As i drove home i thought about how perfect this day had been. I loved troye with all my heart and i think it was about time to tell my mum that too.
"Troye, have you told your family about us yet?"
"Well i havent. I kinda forgot but Sage knew i liked you, she was the first i told actually. have you?" He answered
"I will tonight, ive just forgot too"
He nodded in agreement as he stared out the window
"Wait Sage knew?"
He nodded
"So everytime i visitied your family, she knew?"
He laughed and nodded again.
Just saying the tyler dad dying thing was made up, not true!!!
And the picture at the top is the second place they went to!!

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