first heartbreak

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Troye Pov
"Im hommeee!!" i shouted as i walked in the door. Fuck that was a long taxi drive. The driver turned in the wrong street, twice. God its good to be home.
"Troyeeeee!!!!" I heard Sage shout. She came running in and jumped into my arms
"Sagey i missed you" i said with her in my arms
"I missed you so so much Troye" She smiled and kissed my cheek.
Me and Sage were very close. We never fought, like never. We told eachother legit everything.
"Troye!!" My mum and dad came running into the room, also saying the usual 'i miss yous' and hugs and kisses blah blah blah
"Wheres tyde?" I asked since hed usually be with Sage running in.
"Em he experienced his first heartbreak" My dad explained Sage giggled under her breath
"Sage" my mum gave her a warning look. she put her hands up in defence.
"Troye come eat breakfast" Dad smiled. I walked into the kitchen, getting the same smell i always did in here. Eggs. My family loved eggs, thats all they ate. Damn i love my family i thought and sat down at the table
Whenever I finished eating i brought my bags up and started unpacking. When i had finished i knocked on Tydes door.
"Tyde?Its troye im home" I said but he didnt answer
"Tyde, come on open the door" But he still didnt open it so i remembered my trick i did with Tylers bathroom door and finally got Tydes door open. He was sitting on his bed with tissues all over the bed. The pictures he once had of him and Nicole (his ex girlfriend) were now smashed on the floror and glass was everywhere.
"Tyde" I said running over to his bed, careful not to stand on any glass
I sat down and brought him into my arms, letting him cry in my chest. We stayed like this after a few minutes before he told me to close the door
"Sure" i got up and closed it. I figured i better clean the glass up so i got all the pieces and put them in his bin. I started throwing the tissues away and basically just cleaned the room up. It also smelt like sick so I opened his windows to get the smell out, but kept the blinds closed, knowing hed want me to close them anyway. I sat back down beside him, he had sat up on his bed now, facing me.
"Tyde, what happened?" I asked
"She found someone else" he murmered, clearly embarrassed
"Did she cheat?" I asked, anger forming inside of me
"No, but she broke up with me for no reason and then the next day she had another boy in her bed, literally, she put up a picture" He started crying again. I wrapped my arms around him, letting him lean on me
"Well shes a bitch Tyde. You can do so much better then her, i promise. You will find someone who loves you for you and wont need anyone else. Your perfect Tyde so dont think its your fault" I said, comforting him by rubbing his arm like Tyler had done to me when i was upset
"But i dont want anyone else" He cried even more
"Well someone else wants you, they just dont know it yet. Now how about you go get a shower, get yourself looking swell and then we go out yeah?" I said
"Em..fine then"
He looked up at me and gave me a sad smile. It made my heart break to see him like this. I was close with all my family members and i hated seeing them sad, but this was the first time i had ever seen Tyde cry more then 5 minutes, this was serious and i hated what that bitch done to him.
"Thank you Troye, i missed you" He hugged me again before getting up to go to the bathroom.
In all honesty i was tired as fuck from the flight, but Tyde needed this. I drove him to our central cafe in our town, where we always used to go as kids a lot.
We sat down and looked at the menu until the waitress came over.
"Hi boys, my name is Kendell and im gunna be serving you today. Have you decided on your meal yet?" She smiled kindly. I noticed Tyde looking at her big brown eyes. He blushed.
Not kendall jenner, i just like the name kendall ahahah. but its played by Chloe Bridges, look her up, youll know her. kay bye ty

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