Fuck my life

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So 1 week before Vidcon*****
Troye Pov
"Im seeing you next week holy fuckkkk!! " i yelled at Tyler on Skype
"I know oh my go-" He stopped talking and looked at his door
"What?" I asked confused
He looked but didnt answer
So i sat confused until he yelled something
"Itll be in the bathroom!" He yelled
and then looked and smiled at me
"You dont know how confused i am" I laughed
"Connor was using my shower because his water is off and he couldnt find the Deodarant" Tyler rolled his eyes
"Oh right" i laughed
"Hey Ty, are Joey and Connor friends again or what?" I asked him
"No and its been like 2 months!Im starting to worry. I just hope they dont eat eachothers heads of next week because you do realise itll be us two who will have to solve it between them Troye"
"Well hopefully theyll make up then yeah?"
We laughed
"Well i was confused by the fact that Joey hasnt answered any of my texts or calls?Like bestfriend my ass" I angerily said the last bit
"Dont take it to heart, he hasnt answered anyones call, not even Zoes and you know how close they are"
"I needa sort him out next week, and connor"
"Yeah well do it together babe" He winked and said he had to go so we hung up. I was so excited to see him after 10 weeks, i had counted, dont judge me.
"Troye get down here!!" Tyde yelled
I went downstairs to see my mum, dad, Sage, Tyde and Kendall sitting on the couch looking at me
"Hey kendall" I smiled. Did i forget to mention that Tyde and Kendall were dating now?They had dated for 1 month now and i couldnt be happier for him.
"Hey Troye" She replied
"Eh whats going on" Confused at the whole dramatic shit going on
"We need to tell you something" Sage said. I could tell she was crying as her eyes were red
I ran and sat beside her hugging her. I looked up noticing everyone had been crying
"Guys whats wrong"
"Steele..." was all my mum could say before bursting into tears and it was all that i needed to make my heart break. He had been living in San Francisco for a year now, so we didnt see him much but talked on the phone basically every day.
"What happened?is he okay?" I asked worried as fuck
"He had a c-c-crassssh" My mum stuttered before breaking into more tears
"What do you mean a crash?" I said, louder then i wanted to
"Would you like me to tell him?" Kendall offered polietly.
My mum smiled and nodded, crying into my dads shoulders
"He was driving home and this bus came out of nowhere and just hit him. He is in hospital but your family are all flying out tomorrow to see him"
"But he is going to be okay?"
"He has pretty bad damage to his brain. He twisted a muscle in an important part of it and right now, hes in a coma"
I felt tears forming in my eyes. My brother, in a coma. And they started. I held into Sage, both of us crying our eyes out. Why Steele, he done nothing wrong. fuck my life
Tyler Pov
"Ty, what shirt goes best with these shorts?" Connor walked out modelling both shirts. The first was a hollister casual checked shirt and the second was a grey top with black adidas writing on the front.
"Hollister" I laughed
"Why you laughing?" Connor asked walking out in the hollister shirt
"Well you do no sport but you have an adidas top?" I smirked
"It makes other people think im sporty though" He winked and we walked out the door to go to the cinema.
Confused??READ LAST CHAPTER, told ya yous had too read it😏😏
Poor Steele. Btw he probs doesnt actually live in San Francisco i just like making drama shit up ty everyone love yous xx

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