Vidcon day 2

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Tyler Pov
I checked my agenda on my phone for today:
1:30: LGBT panel
3:00: Free time
4:00: Signings
4:30: 20 minute private meet and greet with winner of contest
5:00: Dinner for all youtubers at California Pizza Kitchen
Wasnt that bad. I was with Troye first thing and last so thats okay. He had a private VIP with a fan today but they were hanging out for an hour before the dinner, so we agreed we would meet eachother there.
"Ty, coming?" Troye yelled, going to the panel.
"Yep" i smiled, grabbing my keys and going.
"What would your advice be for people wanting to come out to strict parents?" A guy asked.
"Well personally i think just wait until your ready to come out and when you believe your ready i would bring the topic up more about gays. If they dont budge about it, wait until your eighteen, you can move out!" Joey laughed, answering.
"The girl in the blue shirt" The interviewer, Carly said.
"Hey, im Rebecca and i just came out to my family about being bisexual and i just want to thank you Troye for inspiring me that its okay to be gay and its who i am and you taught me to love myself and i just love you so much" The girl Rebecca said.
Tears were forming in my eyes just hearing how much of an influence Troye was to everyone, i was so proud of him.
Troye smiled sweetly, "Thank you so much oh my god i might cry thats so cute!!Im so proud of you, i hope you can inspire other people to do the same!I love you!!" Troye shouted down to her.
We finished the panel around ten to 3 so me and Troye had ten minutes to spare.
"Im proud of you baby" I smiled, hugging him.
"You heard that girl"
"So cute" i blushed
"I love you"
"I love you to Ty" he smirked, hugging me tighter.
"Tyler, come on" I heard my manager, Ashton, say.
I gave Troye a small kiss before walking to the lunch room to meet the others with nothing on at the minute.

"Oh my god thee Tyler Oakley just sat beside me oh my god" Ingrid smiled, as i sat down beside her.
"How has your day been so far?" I asked her.
"Good. I havent done anything yet but i have a panel at 4 for beauty products release and the dinner thing tonight so im pretty free today, you?" She replied, happy as always.
"I had a LGBT panel there now, always good"
"Ah right yeah"
We went silent for a minute before i wondered something.
"Wait Ingrid, why didnt you do the panel?" I asked, knowing she had just came out online like 3 weeks ago.
"Oh, it was already booked" She smiled
"Im proud of you, i havent told you that in person but im really proud" i told her, wrapping my arm around her shoulder.
"Thanks Tyler, means a lot that the reaction is positive"
Troye Pov
"Do you have any hobbies?" i asked Megan.
She won my contest on twitter so she got an hour with me. we had about 20 minutes left but the whole time she been really nice.
"I dance, hiphop" she smiled
"Aw cool, so you do competitions and stuff?"
"Yeah we do competitions once a month" she replied
"Can you do it now?" i asked her
"Dance?Sure" she smiled, getting up.
She started doing these amazing dance moves. I dont even know the name of them but she was so good at them anyway. She stopped and gave an embarrassed smile.
"your fucking incredible!!" I shouted
"Thanks" she blushed
"How long have you been dancing?"
"Well im 14 now and ive danced for 11 of them years" Megan laughed
"well keep at it because your so fab!"
"Thank you" she said again
"Hey lets take some photos" i suggested
We took some selfies and then i sent them to her over snapchat
"This is to good to be true" she laughed
"What is?"
"I literally got photos with Troye Sivan, holy shit" she laughed
"Troye times up" My manager, Emma, told me.
"Aw okay, well done again, thanks for supporting me Megan!!" I said, giving her a hug
"Thanks for meeting me!Ive had the best time!" She said, exiting the building.
Damn i loved meetng fans, it just made me so incredibly happy.
"What restaurant is it again?" Emma asked as we got in the taxi.
"California Pizza Kitchen" I answered
She told the driver and we started driving to the restaurant. I text Tyler on the way, since everyone else was already there.
On my way. Miss you!!xx
He replied straight away
Miss ya too babe, got a seat for you xx

I got out of the taxi, and said goodbye to Emma and walked into the restaurant. I didnt even have to ask where they were all sitting, i heard Tylers laugh. He saw me and waved, beaming. I walked over to the table and everyone chorused 'Heys'
I greeted everyone and sat beside Tyler.
He smiled and gave me a short but sweet kiss. He let go and smiled, as the waiter came over.
"Man this is good!" Connor yelled, eating his food.
"Right?" I agreed, eating my chicken pizza.
"So how was your VIP thing?" Tyler asked me
"Oh yeah, the girl was really sweet, called Megan. It was good" i replied. He gave me a small smile before eating again.

"Hey Connor, i think you have something to tell everyone right?" Joey said, making us all go quiet.
Connor blushed, making everyone laugh.
"What is it?" Tanya asked, putting her hand on his arm, for comfort.
"I got asked out earlier....and i said yes"
We all screamed, we were all so happy for him!
"Connor man, thats great!Who is he?" I asked, smiling so hard i thought my mouth might fall off.
"Hes called Ryan, he lives in Chicago but is moving to Los Angeles this summer. We met in a meet and greet actually, hes training to be a bodyguard so..." He smirked
"Dude thats amazing!" Tyler laughed.
We all continued eating, happy for our bestfriend.
Tyler Pov
Me, Troye, Zoe, Alfie, Connor and Joey were all sitting in Connor and Joeys room now, spread across the two beds, talking and laughing about the day we had had. Alfie had told us about a fan that stabbed herself with a pen because she was so excited and had to go to the hospital.
"Not exactly funny Alfie" Zoe said, but gave a quiet giggle.
Alfie rolled his eyes, smiling and cuddling into her, yup, i shipped em'
"Connor, when will i be meeting Ryan for approvel?" Joey smirked
"After Vidcon i guess, he is staying in my guest room for a week. Yous can all meet him." Connor smiled
"We wont, we are going home straight after Vidcon end!" Zoe sadly said.
"Some other time then " connor replied
"Yes!" She said happily.
We talked about random things but that one sentence stuck in my head 'Going home straight after Vidcon'. What about Troye and I? I didnt mind him staying with me but im not sure he would want to. Id ask him later.
"Well im done for the night, thanks for tonight Zoe, see ya tomorrow!" Troye smiled, getting up and closing the door.
I said my goodbyes and walked with him, hand in hand to our room.

We lay on the bed, on our phones when he put his down and turned around.
I heard sniffs.
"Troye baby whats wrong?" I said, putting my phone down and rolling him over to face me.
He was crying, fuck. I pulled him up and held him in my arms.
"What Troye?" i asked again.
"A fan saw my cuts today. She didnt say anything but she looked, turned red, said thank you and walked on." He cried.
"Babe its okay. Its over now and youll never see her again. I love you for you, forget the cuts, they made you stronger. I love you!!" I said.
He looked up and kissed my cheek, smiling before laying down and closing his eyes. I lay down beside him,cuddling him. I stayed awake until i knew he was sleeping and then i closed my eyes peacefully.
Longer chapters??

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