No one at all

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Tyler Pov
"Okay so turn right Avenue?" Troye instructed me with with a questioning tone to his voice
i smiled and giggled
"My bad" He giggled and blushed. He was super cute when he blushed, wow.
We were driving to the youtuber house. The british got off their flight this morning so they should be there by now.

"Okay its number...10"
We drove down the street until we got to the house and damn it could have been 6 apartments, no kidding

"Hot damn" Troye said excited.
"Fuck, are you sure it isnt a hotel?" i asked, seriously wondering.
"Well if you count Zoë as a maid, then yes" Troye smiled pointing to a girl standing in the huge driveway smiling and waving her hands
I quickly parked and we got out and both ran to hug Zoë

"Aw Troylerella is back" Zoë laughed, "I missed yous so much, im so glad they replaced Playlist for something!And im v glad we are together!"
"missed ya too Zo" I said
We brought our bags into the huge mansion that we would be staying in the next week. We walked into the living room and there we saw Casper, Joe, Marcus, Naomi, Tayna, Jim, Alfie, Louise, Joey and Connor.
"Ahhhhh" We all ran to eachother, i hugged Marcus first as he was my closest friend out of them all, well excluding Troye obviously.
We all hugged, talked, laughed the whole entire time we were there. Then me and Troye decided to check our room out, we would be staying together, Smile smile***
Troye Pov
It was so nice to have everyone together again, i could finally tell someone about Tyler. And i knew the exact person to talk to about it. Me and Tyler were walking up to see our room, unpack, the usual things you do when you go on holiday i guess.
We were now in 'The Olive Garden' with everyone else. I had never been before but fuck it was some good food. We had just finished our meal and Jim and Alfie had gone to pay at the counter.
"Troye...Troye...Troyyeeeeee!!!!" Tyler shouted in my face
"Oh shit sorry, what did you say?" confused but aware i had been daydreaming, guess what about?
"Damn boy, you must have someone in mind daydreaming this much about him. Do tell??" Tyler sassed at me
" one. No one at all, i was thinking about how nice it is we are all gunna be together this week" trying to change the subject quickly.
"It will be fun, we have to go to the pool in the morning!" Tayna exclaimed
We all started talking about the week plans, everyone except Tyler. He had been staring at me, giving me glares, Putting out a sassy comment here and clearly not buying my 'no one at all" i cant keep it in much longer, i have to tell someone, tonight.
This book is probs shitty, sorry:(

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