Your welcome

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Tyde Pov
Troye had gotten me up and made me go to the cafe we went too as children. I was glad though because i feel better, having got showered and dressed, i feel refreshed i guess. Now i need to try and forget about that bitch.
"Hi boys, my name is Kendall and im gunna be serving you today. Have you decided on your meal yet?"
I looked up and saw the most beautiful girl i have ever seen in my life, fuck her eyes were the most gorgeous brown eyes id ever seen in my life and her beautiful brown hair and her perfect tanned skin.
She was stunning
"Tyde your turn" Troye smirked
Fuck, how long had i been stairing?
"Oh right ehh..can i have the egg omelette please"
"Course" She smiled, taking our menus and walked away.
I looked at Troye who was smirking at me
"Your welcome for taking you here" He winked
"What are you talking about" im trying to play it off, clearly not working.
"Shut up, you like her"
"She is stunning oh my god Troye" I laughed
"So, go for her!"
"How can i, shes a waitress, at a cafe, this isnt some party" I asked confused
"Flirt with her, wait the foods coming, ill go pee" He smirked
"Wha tro-"
"And heres your omelette and your friends Bagel. Is he at the bathroom?" Kendall asked smiling
"Yeah he just left literally there now" She laughed and sat down
"Ill wait with you, its not busy anyway"
Fuck what do i say
"So how long have you been working here?" I asked making conversation
"Only 3 months. Do you live in Perth?" She replied
"Yeah i do, just 5 minutes away from here. I came here everyday as a child with my family" I said smiling
"Oh cool, i used to live in Sydney but my moms job changed and i live here!!" She laughed
"Ah yes, its pretty cool here, i love it a lot" I said politely.
"So is that your friend whos in the bathroom?"
"Oh no, hes my brother. Hes just home from LA so i guess he wanted to catch up here" I smiled, man i couldnt stop smiling
"Oh right, hes Troye Sivan off youtube right?" She smirked
"Yeah, you watch him?"
"Oh no, i dont watch youtubers but my bestfriend, Beth, does a lot so i just recognised him" She laughed
"Ah right, well tell your friend to look up 'TydeLevi' on youtube, maybe then youll start watching youtubers right?" I smirked, getting an F- on my flirting skills.
"Maybe" She smirked before finishing, "Tyde, cute name"
"Thank you, Kendall" I smirked
"So whats going on here" Troye walked back laughing
"Just meeting your lovely brother" She winked and got off the seat going back to work
"Troye, i love you so freaking much"
"Your welcome, again" He winked, "She called you lovely dude. and then winked, she likes you"
"We only met, she was being polite" I answered, secretly hoping he was right
"Whatever you say" He smirked before eating the food we had bought
"Hey, can we have the bill?" Troye asked some random guy waiter who was walking past. He nodded and walked away.
"Thanks for this Troye, i needed it" I smiled, sincerely
"Hey, no problem. I hope it had helped ya"
"Yeah it has, a lot"
"Theres your bill boys, come back sometime, id love to see you again" Kendall told us. I was glad it was her and not that other dude.
"Your service has been amazing, here" Troye gave her a tip and walked towards the door
"Thanks guys, as i said come back" As she replied she looked over at me and handed me a piece of paper.
"In case you lied, hated it and never come back, call me"
She winked and walked off.
I got her number. fuck!!!!!
"Your in" Was all troye said on the way home.
For a moment i forgot about my Nicole problems and thought of Kendall. Maybe Troye was right, maybe she does like me and wasnt just being polite.
Cute Cute xxxxxxxx

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