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Tyler Pov
"Dude what the hell!" I laughed, he had beat me again at our third game of Monopoly.
"What can i say" He laughed
"Im done for the night" i said packing the game away.
"Well i guess i should get going, its already ten" Connor laughed
"No, stay" I said, sounding more desperate then i entended it to be
"You miss Troye that much?" he smirked
"Im so used to him just being here, god i miss him yeah" i laughed
"Its normal to miss him" Connor told me
"I guess yah"
"Tyler, can i tell you something if you dont tell anyone else?" Connor said seriously
"Course ya can con" i happily replied
"Well Joeys my bestfriend, as you know an-"
"YOU LIKE HIM DONT YOU" i screamed excitedingly
"What gross no, hes my bestfriend dude calm" He laughed
"Troye and i were bestfriends" i winked
"Yeah but yous had chemistry, trust me i dont like Joey like that"
"Sorry, go on" i laughed
"Well as you know hes dating that guy 'Daniel' from his music video and theyve been really happy but i was out with both of them the other day, we went to Taco Bell for dinner, and when Joey went to pay Daniel, he started acting really weird Ty.." He stopped
"What way weird?" I asked concerned at what he meant
"He said 'Jealous?' as soon as Joey got up and i was like 'what?' and he said 'Joeys mine, you wont be his bestfriend for long so live it while you have the chance' and i didnt get time to say something because Joey came back. Tyler what do i do, i cant lose Joey but if i tell him he wont believe me!"
I brought Connor into a hug.
"Con listen, i would tell Joey okay?If he doesnt believe you i can talk to him. Man he really liked Daniel, dickhead" I said, disguisted
"I know. Thanks Ty, ill tell him and tell you what happens"
"girl you know im always here for ya"
"Well i gotta get back now, ill text ya soon"
i brought him to the door
"Byyyeeeee" i said as he walked out and waved
I tidied the place up and posted the selfie me and connor had took, captioning it as 'He beat me three times, bitch' and then went to bed, seriously missing troye beside me
Short chapter aw.
Just like to say that Joey and Connor are just bestfriends, they wont date, its not like Troye and Tyler who did like eachother, connor and joey never will!!in this fanfiction anyway

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