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Tyler Pov
Me and mom were putting the decorations up around my apartment, blasting the christmas music out loud.
"No mom, that goes over there" i pointed to the corner, she knows that reindeer always sits there.
"So whats Troye doing during Christmas" Mom asked me
"Hes a jew mom, they dont do christmas but they do some other thing, where they give eachother presents and eat normal dinner as a family so his aunties and uncles and grannys are all going to his for dinner" i explained
"Thats nice" she nodded, moving my reindeer to the right corner.

"Yeah!!My house is now offically christmasy!" i smiled, putting the boxes in my spare room and plonking myself on the couch.
"Wanna go for coffee son?" Mom asked
"Yeah sure, lemme grab a jacket"
I got my dark red hoody and walked out the door with mom.

"So, what did you get Troye?" Mom asked, sitting down with her latté.
"Well..i need to tell you something....I got Troye a...."
Troye pov
"Kay!!!" i screamed, jumping into her arms for a hug
"Troye oh my god its been forever!!" she screamed in my ear, laughing before letting go
"I know!How is everything?" i asked her
"Great!Everything okay with you and Tyler?" she asked me
"Yeah its perfect!!" i replied,smiling
"So wanna go get Starbucks just?" i asked, shutting my front door
"Sure. Lets walk, we need to catch up on everything!" she smiled before grabbing my hand and running down the road like we used to do before i was hardly here

"So this is like a christmas special?" Kay asked the lady
"Yep. Its delicious i promise" she laughed, trying to win us over
"Okay, ill have that please, Troye?"
"Ill have the same"
We handed her the money and sat down with our drinks.
"So tell me, what did you get Tyler for christmas?" Kay asked me
"You are coming with me now to pick something!!"
"Am i?" she smirked
"Yes and saying no is out of the question!" i sassed
"Okay ill go" she laughed, drinking her drink.
"Troye what about this?" Kay said, pointing to a little @ necklace.
"He doesnt really wear necklaces" i said, picturing his face if i got him a necklace
I turned around to see her holding a leather bracelet with a silver charm on it that simply said 'love is when i wake up every morning and see your face'. it was perfect!!
"Oh my god Kay this is perfect!!" i screamed, "Thank you i love you so much!!" i hugged her tightly before paying for it.
Tyler Pov
"Hannah hey!" I smiled, letting Hannah in.
We were going to do a christmas collab
"Hannah!!" my mom yelled, running to hug Hannah.
"Jackie!How are you?" she smiled
"Im great, you?" mom replied
"Very well!"
"Well ill let yous film your video, have funnnn" mom sang, as she walked into the other room.
we just laughed, used to it
"So i thought we could do like a 'Christmas version of guess the body part challenge'?" Hannah asked. I gave her a confused look, making her laugh.
"When we get an answer right we have to answer a Christmas question asked by the other person" she explain
"Sounds goooooodddddd" i said and started setting up for the video.

"So i will see you sometime bbbbyyyyeeeee" I yelled as Hannah and I both waved before i shut down the cameras
"So the truth is when i touched your nipple, i thought it was the top of a dick" Hannah laughed
"And youve felt that" i smirked
"Hey, a girls gotta know if shes gay"
We started laughing so hard that my mom came to see what was the joke.
I looked at Hannah to not tell my mom what just happened?
"Stay for dinner, mac and cheeesseee?" Mom bribed Hannah
"Sure Jackie. Ill help ya" She smiled and followed her into the kitchen
Just then my phone started ringing. I pressed answer without looking at who it was
Tyler- Hello?
Tyler- Troye?!Fuck, bursting the ear drums here!
Troye- Sorry, i just miss you already
Tyler- I know me too babe!
Troye- i got your present today and i can offically say im the best boyfriend em ever?!
I could feel his sassiness threw the phone. I rolled my eyes
Tyler- Wait till you see mine
Troye- Surreee. Hey ty, can you skype?
Tyler- Course!Call me now!
Troye- Kay bye love you
And he hung up

Wait hes skyping me and he still said i love you at the end of the call, cutie.
When he called i answered immediately.
We saw eachother and both just grinned
"Tilly" he smiled
"Hey!Again, i miss you!" i did a pouty face
"Me too ty" he did a pouty face too
"shut up" Troye laughed
"What?" i asked confused, what did i do?
"Oh no sorry i was talking to Kayla who said we are the cutest couple ever" He blushed, and looked down
"Hey Kayla!!" i waved, she walked to the camera
"Hey tyler!!" she waved before walking back to i presumed where she had been sitting
"Thanks for making him blush Kay!" i smirked
"No problem" she shouted from the back
"I literally get bullied by yous both" Troye laughed
"Because we love you" i winked
"Oh my god i forgot to tell you!Remember that girl Tara?" Troye said
"Yeah, did she call?!"
"Nope but on the flight the guy next to me was telling me about his step-sister and step-mom and it turned out to be Tara and her bitch of a mom!"
"Whhhatttt?Oh my god!" i yelled shocked
"I know" he laughed
"Tyler wha-" Hannah said running in but stoppin when she saw Troye on my laptop screen
"TROYE!!!!!" she yelled very fucking loudly
"HANNAH!!!!!" he screamed even louder
She ran to the laptop screen and kissing him threw it, making him piss himself with laughter
"How ar-"
"Hannah hunny can you help me with this oven?" Mom asked her threw the kitchen
"Gotta go love ya Troye!" Hannah laughed before running back in the kitchen.
i just sat laughing
We said our goodbyes and hung up before my mom said dinner was ready
Thank you to everyone who read it, legit means the world omg

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