Things you do to me

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Tyler Pov
I woke up with troye in my arms facing me. Our legs were intertwined and our hands were the same position they had been the night before, linked together. I stared at my beautiful boyfriend. He was so amazing and I wish he would know that. I decided to be a numba one boyfriend and make him some breakfast in bed kinda thing. I turned my head and saw the clock read: 6:45.
em what the hell?
I decided to sleep a bit more and then make him breakfast at like eight cause he wakes up at like ten on average. I laughed to myself, going back to sleep
Troye Pov
I had gotten up to make Tyler breakfast in bed, for everything he did for me yesterday. I put his meal on a tray and walked upstairs into our room.

I walked in and saw Tyler sitting up on his laptop. He looked up and smiled
"Babe I was going to get up and make you some but I woke and you weren't there so I-"
I put my finger over his mouth and made a 'shh' noise. I brought my lips to his, leaving him a short but meaningful kiss. I whispered
"Your welcome"
Which I was certain made him shiver. He gave me a kiss on the check and started eating as I jumped in for a quick shower and got dressed ready for the day ahead with all my friends.
Me, Joey, Tyler and Connor were now at the pool in our house. Everyone else had gone shopping but we decided to stay longer and have some fun. I mean, Tyler was worried about my cuts at first but I wore a long sleeved swimming tight vest so it turned out okay. Us four used to be real close but we weren't as much, minus Tyler obviously, basically the point of this thought was that in glad we were together again.
"Troye come on dude you've been staring into space for about 2 minutes" Connor laughed.
I smirked and jumped in, splashing them
I noticed Tyler getting out, he winked at Joey but I didn't get one, what was he hiding?!
Let's just say one minute I was in the pool swimming about happily and the next I was being dragged underwater by Tyler.
"Paybacks a bitch" was all he could say
We were now going in to get ready for the restaurant Connor had reserved for us for our dinner, just the four of us as the others were still out shopping!
"Hey troye, you can get a shower first and then me Kay?i need to edit a video anyway" Tyler said, turning on his computer
"or...." I stared at him, hoping he'd know what I meant so I didn't have to say it
"Well only if you want to..I don't-"
he shut me up by kissing me straight on the lips and dragging me into the bathroom. I felt awkward undressing first so he turned round, rolling his eyes and then came in after me. I smiled at him excited for what was about to happen
Tyler Pov
Troyes body was amazing, I didn't know how he could be so self conscious about himself, he was stunning.
he grabbed the shampoo and he was about to put it on himself but I snatched the bottle and put it onto my hands, winking at him
"let me do it"
He blushed, adorably and nodded.
I rubbed the shampoo threw his hair. I noticed a few times his eyes were closing in pleasure, man I loved him. Our bodies were so close, I had to give him the odd kiss on the neck once in a while. I did the same with conditioner to him and then he repeated the pattern to me, making me feel amazing, God the things that boy did to me.
He finished quicker then me, so we had a bit more time to spare. I pushed him against the wall kissing him, as I felt his arms wander around my back. I couldn't help but moan. All too soon, we had to get out for our dinner. When we had gotten changed I heard him whisper into my ear "The things you do to me. Tonight, you are mine beautiful" and with that he walked into the car. Man I love him
Shit chapter, ugh. This book isnt good im so sorry

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