Vidcon Day 3

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Troye Pov
"Hey cutie whats your name?" I asked the girl at my second and last signing.
"Im Sage" she smiled.
"Sage?Thats my sisters name, love it!" I smiled
"I know, i think your sister is so beautiful!" She smiled
i liked her, a lot.
"Aw sweet!" I laughed before giving her the picture she wanted signed and saying goodbye.
"Hey Troye" I heard someone say
I looked up and saw Niomi smiling down. I noticed all the people had left and now it was just the bodyguards and the cleaners, my managers and Niomi and I.
"Hey Nimbob what ya doing here?" I smiled, getting up and hugging her.
"Tyler said you had a free now, so wanna come with us" She smiled
"Us?" I questioned
"The ones that were in our playlist house, little reunion type thing at the roof" She smiled sweetly.
"The roof?" i questioned again
"The roof" she winked before grabbing my hand and dragging me up some stairs.

I walked up and saw everyone sitting on the roof, in a circle.
"Troye!!!" They all yelled
I laughed and went and sat down beside Tyler and Casper.
"How the hell did all of us get free time at the same time" I laughed,everyone agreeing.
"Troye we were just talking about you" Tanya smirked. Everyone turned and laughed at me.
"Em why?" I laughed
"Saying how much you love snow in movies but youve never seen it in real life" Tyler smirked
"Its cute, and sad like every child has seen snow?" Zoe laughed
"Perth just doesnt snow" I laughed.
We sat and talked before we all had to go, except me and Zoe.
I kissed Tyler good luck in his interview with Hollywood stars and everyone left.
"Troye can i tell you a secret?" Zoe asked
"Of course you can" I smiled
"Well me and Alfie have dated for 2 years now and weve talked about marriage but jokingly but i found a red velvet box yesterday...he saw me looking and came over, and was telling me not to look. He is taking me out tonight,and he said wear something fancy.."
She paused for a moment.
"Zo, play it out. It sounds a lot like what your saying but if it isnt, yous have plenty of time!!Everything will work out the way its meant to"
I wrapped my arms around Zoes shoulders and she rested her head on my chest.
"I missed you Troye, youve always been one of my bestest friends in the whole world and you live in another damn country" She laughed
"I know" I sighed. Damn life was hard sometimes.
Zoe got her vlog camera out and started talking about us being cute and goals before turning it off.
Tyler Pov
"So its called 'Binge' and it comes out in August which im super excited for so go pre-order now and ill love you forever!!" I yelled, laughing before walking off the stage.
"Good job" Jet, the interviewer said, patting my back. I smiled at him.
"Hey what next?" I asked my managing team.
"Tyler its like eight, youve been at this interview for three hours!!" Rebecca, my book manager laughed.
"What?This day went quickly!"
So i got my bags and walked to my room.

"Troye im back baby!!" I yelled, walking into the room.
He walked round the corner smiling. He opened his arms wide open as i hugged him. He lifted me and spun me during it before letting me down.
"Movie geek" I mocked
He just smirked
"Just kiss me okay" He laughed
I leaned in and felt the eletricity of his lips on mine. His perfect lips
He broke the kiss and led me to the bed, setting me down carefully before jumping on top of me, rejoining our kiss. I was about to moan when i heard a knock at the door
"Fuck" Troye cursed, getting off me and going to the door. I got up and straightened myself out before following him to the door. I saw Hannah and Mamrie.
"Hey!" I yelled
"Hey babe" Mamrie shouted
"What ya doing here ya freaks?" i joked
"We are going to a party tonight, head of Vidcon organised it. Its at a club in the grounds so be ready for nine and meet us in the lobby" Hannah smiled before they left, and we shut the door.
"What time is it now?" Troye asked. I looked at the clock
He nodded and went to his drawer to pick clothes, i did the same.
"Okay this with this?"
I held up my blue jeans and my bright checked shirt and my blue toms
"Or this with this?"
This time i held up the blue jeans with my black beyonce top and my black converse.
"Second" he smiled before picking out his navy jeans, a light red jumper and white converse.
We got changed, styled our hair and went down to the lobby
Troye Pov
"Come dance Baby" Tyler slurred bring me to the dance floor.
We were both drunk. everyone in the party was drunk. even the girls who hardly got drunk.
We got onto the dance floor and started doing dirty dances on eachother.
"Fuuucck" he yelled out
I pushed him against the wall and bite his neck, leaving him a huge hickey. I kissed all over his neck before licking my way up to his lips and smashed my lips onto his.
"Mmmm" he moaned during it. I decided to tease him. I let go and walked to the bar
"Fuck you Troye Sivan!" He yelled but followed me.
"2 Sex on the beach" i yelled over the music
The bartender handed me the drinks and i started drinking straight away, letting Tyler grab the other one in my hand.
"Troyyyeeeee!!" someone slurred threw the microphone.
I turned and looked at the stage to see Casper looking at me. I smirked and ran up to him, i knew what he was doing, we used to do this in clubs in Australia when he came, a tradition together.
I held the microphone and started singing,
"LIKE BABY BABY BABY NOOOOOOO" casper yelled after me
"BABY BABY BABY OHHHHHH I THOUGHT YOUD ALWAYS BE MINE" i yelled after. The crowd laughed as i ran off the stage..suddenly blacking out
Tyler Pov
my mind is blurred and i dont know what is happening but all i know is Troye was running too fast and now im in the hospital with ten other people waiting outside his room.
It is now 3am and the drink was wearing out, not completely but we were less crazy.
The doctor came out and i stood up
"How em how i-is he?" Trying to talk normal right now was not happening.
"He is very very lucky, a miracle!!" The doctor cried
"Miracle?" Casper slurred
"He should have broken bones right now but he doesnt and yous should be thankful!Now what he does have is a huge bruise on his hip and if it gets infected, well dont let it get infected. He also has a bump on his head that could have caused cancer but dont worry, we sorted it just in time. He will be very sore for the next few days so just rest. And boys?Drink isnt good for yous, be more careful" He instructed us, reciving many rolled eyes.
Troye walked out, limping.
I ran up to him and hugged him tight.
"Tttty, i dont remember wh-what happene-d" he slurred in my ear.
"Lets go home baby" i whispered in his ear, leading him to the taxi
So i was in LA for the first time this month and holy shit its amazing

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