Vidcon day 1

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Tyler Pov
"Tyler look!!" Troye screamed, handing me his phone. It was a selfie of Joey and Connor.
"Theyre friends again, we are legit legends!!" Troye said completely serious. I laughed at him.
"I know i got it too, we are arent we?" I sassed
"Whats your agenda today?" He asked me
"Well i have my stage rehersel today with Hannah at 11 till 1. And then at half one i have my meet and greet until around 3 id say and then i have the main stage at 5 onwards. You?" I replied
"Cd signing at 11-2. Lunch with Casper after and then i have the music panel at 3 until 4 and then im free the rest of the day. Tomorrow is my busy day "He smiled.
"We wont be with eachother much" I pouted but he lifted my chin up.
"Hey ill be at your main stage" He smiled
"Wouldnt miss it" he smiled before pulling me into a tight kiss.
Troye Pov
"Casper what the fuck" i laughed.
We were eating lunch and he just told me about his sex life, nice.
"im done eating" i laughed
"I should head on, i have a meet and greet with Joe in 20 minutes" He got up and we said our 'see ya later' type things.
Now i had to find my manager to take me to my music panel.
"Troye, c'mon" i heard Emma, my manager tell me, found her.

Also doing the panel was Joey, Ricky, Trevor and Bethany, obviously because theyd released music.
Tyler had told me that i was going to be the main focus because my music had been the biggest success but i believed that was bullshit because we all did well with our songs we had produced. I was proud of all of them.
1 HOUR LATER******
"Thats was so much fun, thanks for being here guys!" Then interviewer, Paula said.
"Thanks for having us" I smiled as we walked off the stage.
"Well that was a blast" Bethany smiled.
"So so good, hopefully theyll do a music panel next year and we might have done some more music by then" Ricky winked, causing us to laugh.
"Everyone has commented on my cover of 'FlashLight' saying to do a duet with you Troye" Bethany laughed
"I ship it hard" Trevor laughed, before we all walked our seperate ways. I was going back to the room when Joey whispered in my ear, "Thank you for getting my bestfriend back", he smiled and walked away.

I got in the room and just sat on the bed scrolling threw tumblr, instagram, twitter, the usual routine. On tumblr i came across a very interesting post, it was from a harry styles fan account but it had me thinking, fuck. It was a Harry and Tyler merged together and fuck it was hot, gotta screenshot this. But as i said, it got me thinking that i should do a video where i just merge peoples faces, to make their children!!!!Perfect, i smiled at myself before heading down to the main stage to meet Tyler and Hannah.
Tyler Pov
"So Ty, first question. What is your favorite thing about Vidcon?" Hannah asked me.
We were doing a mini Q&A on the main stage. All the seats were taken and i was secretly freaking out, where was Troye, he said hed be here?
"Well Hannah, my favourite thing is just seeing all my friends again." I replied, meaning it.
"Cute cute" She smiled
"Okay so your question isssss.....What is your funniest memory of Vidcon?" I asked her
She burst laughing, causing the crowd to laugh, and me.
"Well Tyler, you are a very big part of this" she laughed.
"Oh no" i cringed, knowing what this story was.
"Imagine Tyler drunk guys" Everyone laughed again.
"Hes crazy now?try see him drunk but anyway he was drunk and we were helping him to his room and he just sat on the corridor floor. We were telling him to get up but hes so damn stubborn that he wouldnt!So we left him there, thinking he would go back to his room but in the morning we went to see him and he was still sleeping on the corridor floor!"
This caused everyone to piss themselves with laughter. It was embarrassing but it made a good story so that was okay.
"Okay so we are taking a break, perfect timing Han thanks for that"
Hannah winked
"See ya in a bit!" i screamed as we both ran off different sides.
"Tyler!" I heard Troye say, i turned around smiling and ran up to him, hugging him tightly.
"I missed you so much" i said, snuggling into him
"Me too" he replied
He brought my chin up to his face and held it closer to my lips, leaning in to give me a passionate kiss. It was amazing and we didnt even care who was around him. i always say, you know you really love someone when you kiss every day but everytime its magical, this applied to me and Troye. Our kisses were special everytime.
"Guys, calm yourselves" hannah said.
I broke the kiss and smiled at Hannah, snuggling into Troye, never wanting to leave him
"That was a tiring day" i said as we got into the hotel room.
"Not for me" Troye smirked
"Whatever" i said, lying down on the bed, not even bothering to change, i was that tired.
"Need help changing?" Troye laughed, staring at me. He had his boxers on, ready for bed so i agreed, smirking. He gently took my top off and then unbuttoned my jeans and belt leaving me in my boxers. He brought the covers over me and lay down beside me, turning off the light.
"Thanks mom" i smirked, wrapping my arms around him.
"Get to sleep its late" he played along.
"I love you mommy. have sweet dreams"
"Love you too boy"
Which made me burst out laughing.
"Night Troye"
"Night Tilly"
Kinda boring chapter im sorry

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