Thank Tyler

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Troye Pov
The next day me and Tyler went to visit Steele later then the others. He took me shopping to get my mind off things but now we had just arrived at the hospital and were walking to Steeles room.
I walked up to the door but it was locked, I looked around and saw the nurse that had kindly let us in the first day
"Excuse me, this door is locked and I need to get in there" I stated politely
"Oh sorry dear" She said smiling. She opened the door but Steele wasn't there.
"Um where is he?" I asked concerned
"He must have moved rooms, I'll check for you love come with me"
We followed her down to some room with computers
"Ah yes, your in luck. He was moved to room '782' because his condition is better"
"Thank you so much" Tyler answered smiling and holding my hand before walking to the new room.

We walked in and saw him laying there but he looked different, almost healthier. A lot of his red scars on his face werent as red anymore and his bruises had gone down. There was a doctor beside him holding his wrist
"Hello" I smiled, being polite
"Why hello there, you's are the other brothers I presume?" The doctor said smiling and putting his hand out.
I shook it and so did Tyler
"Yeah I'm Troye and this is Tyler, my boyfriend" I said proudly, letting go of his hand and putting my arm around his waist tightly.
"I met your family this morning, nice people yes but anyway it seems your visits have been helping his condition. We are expecting for him to wake up before the end of this week"
"That's so great!!" I exclaimed. I looked and gave a big grin to Tyler, receiving one too.
"Well I'll give you a peace" The doctor said and walked out.

"Hey Ty, I'm buying a drink, one second" I asked running to the canteen
He nodded and sat beside Steele.
Tyler PoV
"So it's just me here, Troye got a drink. Listen If you can hear me, it would be really helpful right now. I know we aren't exactly on the friend term yet but I know your amazing family and I just want to say the amount of support you've been getting is unreal dude. I love your brother very much, as in i love him so much that i want him in my life forever but i know if you arent here, itll be a whole lot different because i know the hurt it is to lose someone. Fight threw it, we all know you can. I love your family and ino the only thing they want right now is for you to wake up, so keep going, you can do it!"
As I ended I saw his hand twitch. The monitor starting beeping. I ran out and shouted for a doctor.
The same doctor as before, with some others came rushing in, pushing me out of the way.
I felt a hand on my back
"What happened?" Troye said, fear all over his face.
I told Troye what happened and we just stood waiting for something to happen.
"W-W-here am I?" I heard a voice say. Troye ran to the bed and saw a wide eyed Steele lieing there.
Troye Pov
He was awake and I couldn't fucking believe it oh my god!
"Stttteeeelllle!!!" I screamed and hugged him from the side
"I love you too Troye" He whispered into ears
"You heard?" I asked shocked
"Every word" he smiled
I gave the biggest, real, smile i had ever done on my whole trip so far and hugged him again.
"I need to call mom!!" I jumped, saying it
Troye- Mom you need to get to the hospital right now, youll never believe it. STEELE IS AWAKE!!!!
and she hung up

I ran to Tyler and jumped in his arms, never wanting to let go. He kissed the side of my neck and set me down, motioning to go over to where Steele was laying. There were doctors round him checking his pulse and things like that that.

Less then half an hour, Steele was sitting up in the hospital bed, he looked much more healthy. Me, mom, dad, Sage, Tyde and of course Tyler all sat around him, the nurses letting us go in together.
"It was so strange, i could hear every word yous were saying and i wanted to badly to just shout out and open my eyes but i couldnt speak and i couldnt open my eyes" Steele excalimed
"So so cool though" Tyde winked, making us all laugh.
I looked around my family, including Tyler, and saw how happy everyone was. My family was back to normal, if not stronger then before.
"But the person i have to thank the most is Tyler" I heard Steele saying, making Tyler smile, with a confused look.
"I didnt do anything" He smiled, blushing a little bit.
I squeezed his hand as Steele starting explaining.
"He encouraged me before i woke. I remember you telling me that you love Troye, and our family very much and theyre hurting without you, something like that but anyway we should be thanking Tyler, he motivated me" Everyone smiled at him.
"Oh and Troye?Dont let him go, hes a keeper" Steele smirked.
I snuggled my head into Tylers neck causing 'awws' from everyone.
"When can you go home?" Sage asked
"The doctor said tomorrow hopefully!" Steele said happily
"Great, well we should all head back to the hotel now, we will come and get you tomorrow Steele, we all love you very much" Mom said and we all kissed him goodbye, i gave him an extra long hug and walked to Tyler, grabbing his hand, happy that everything was now okay again.
happy vibes hby

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