Its embarrassing

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Tyler pov
I rolled over to read 9:36 on the clock, ugh today was the day Troye left. i decided to make him breakfast in bed. I quietly got up and made him pancakes, nutella,bacon and coffee, his favourite things. I put them on a tray and brought them into the bedroom. Troye was still sleeping. I put the tray down and looked at the time 9:57. I suddenly remembered the alarm would go off and turned it off. I decided to wake up Troye.
i walked to his side and gently shook him.
he didnt flinch so i shook him harder this time.
This time i heard a groan.
"Troye wake up" I said but got no response
"I guess ill finish the nutella then..."
"No!!" he shouted
"so your awake?" i winked and gave him his breakfast kissing him on the cheek
"Ty, you didnt have too"
"No but i wanted too, now eat!" i insisted
"Okay okay"
I got out of my shower, got dressed and walked out to find my brush. I saw Troye lying on the bed, his hand was kind of.....near his dick which turned me on. He saw me and moved it.
"Hey have you seen my brush?" I asked changing the subject in both our minds. he blushed.
"Eh no..nope" he stuttered.
I searched the room, uncomfortably because of Troye staring at me the whole time.
"Troye quit staring its creepy" i laughed
he didnt answer but ran to the bathroom
"troye what the hell?" i ran after him bit hed locked the door.
wow that boy ran fast
"Troye open the door whats up?"
I waited a few minutes until i heard the door unlock. I walked in and saw Troye lying on the floor, fully clothed just staring.
"Em are you okay?" I asked
"Perfect" he smiled. He gestured me to sit beside him and kissed my hand setting it on his knee
"What just happened?" so confused its unreal
"what do u mean?"
"cut the crap Troye" i said getting annoyed.
"Okay okay.....its embarrassing...." He blushed beetroot red
"Baby tell me its okay" I stroked his cheek comforting him
"Slowlyyyy" i grabbed his hand and squeezed his hand
"You went in the shower and..i suddenly felt like a...its embarrassing Ty" He cuddled into my shoulder all cutely. I rubbed my hand threw his hair and leaned my head on his
"Its okay baby, dont be embarrassed"
"Well.....I felt so..mydickfeltallweird"
"Your what felt weird? i said not catching what he said as he spoke so fast
"Um..." he looked down as his dick
"Your penis?" I smirked
"Tyyyy its not funny" He said putting his head up and making an angry face
"Baby is that why you were staring at me like you wanted to kill me?" i laughed
"I could hardly do anything with you there" He looked down, blushing like a tomato
"Is it still like that?" I asked, getting excited
"Then i guess ill have to fix that" I said trying to be sexy but failing miserably.
He looked up, giving me a small smirk before standing up with me, still in the bathroom.
I leaned him against the sink and kissed him passionately. I brought my mouth down to kiss his neck, giving him hickeys here and there, just for pure badness.
I slowly took his top off and started kissing all down his stomach, as his fingers rubbed threw my hair. I got to his waistline and started leaving soft kisses along the line, as i untied his sweat pants. I pulled them down leaving him in just his boxers. I started going back up to his lips, leaving a trail of kisses on his stomach again.
"My turn to make you moan" I whispered into his ears before returning to his boxers again. I started pulling them down, leaving his dick out. i looked up and smirked but putting my hands over it, rubbing it harder and harder each time
"Uuuuuhhhhhh" he moaned
"Say my name boy" I shouted
"Ttttyyyllerrrrrr fuuckk"

When i was done i stood up to naked Troye and wrapped my arms around his waist.
"Thank you tilly, i love you" Troye murmered as he cuddled his head into my shoulder
"Your so cute and i love you too now go get in the shower while i finish getting ready, my hairs still fucking wet" I laughed and slapped his ass before he hopped in the shower.
dirty dirty boys

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