Simple Day

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Tyler Pov
Seeing Troye crying made me cry and when i hung up i just cried and cried on my couch. I have to see him. I got my laptop and searched flights to San Francisco. I saw one for tomorrow morning at 8. Luckily, there were 4 more seats left. I booked one and quickly printed out my plane ticket.
'I am seeing him tomorrow' i kept telling myself, it seemed easier that way to be happy.
I decided to go for a walk in the park to clear my mind.
I got in the car and drove
I sat on the bench me and Troye had sat the last time i was here. I was happy that i could see Troye tomorrow. I just needed to find what hotel hes staying at and hopefully he wont be at the hospital when i arrive there.
Babe what hotel are you staying at?
Its a weird question, hopefully he wont ask why
Hotel Union Square
Thank ya

I looked them up to find their number and put the number into my phone, planning on phoning them when i get home.
"Hello, i was just wondering if you have any rooms free if i come tomorrow?Its kinda an emergency" I said the man at reception
"Let me check for you sir" He said
"Thank you"
I waited a few minutes until he told me he does on the fourth floor.
"Oh thank god" I said, relieved, but hating myself for saying that to a receptionist, like what the hell Tyler
"Whats your name Sir" the name man asked
"Tyler Oakley"
he asked for some credit card details, where i live and all that boring shit until i was finally booked in room '434'
Easy enough to remember!
I looked at the clock, 8pm, shit i had stayed up later then i thought, i hadnt even ate dinner.
I looked in my freezer and saw a frozen pizza, better then nothing. I stuck it in and waited for it to cook.

I turned the TV on and watched some random episode of 'The simpsons' until i heard the oven beep.

When i finished eating i decided to film a video, as i hadnt in a while.
I decided to make a Q and A so i tweeted my fans for questions over snapchat.
Half an hour later and i had enough questions to film a video.

"Hey guys my name is Tyler Oakley and its time for another (Queue the claps**) Q and slay for yall, but over snapchat video so im sorry if you didnt get picked but just wish for next time. So lets start shallll weeeee"

After i finished the video, it was already ten so i just went to bed, i was too tired to edit all night, espically when i had an early flight tomorrow.
Such a shit chapter oh my god im so sorry and short like wtf am i

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