voices in my head screaming

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Zoë Pov
We had gotten home from dinner, an extremely nice dinner. I had noticed Troye was a bit off, and Tyler kept looking at him. I need to find out what was going on.
Everyone was about to play Truth or Dare but first ,of course we had to get the popcorn, and the drinks set out. Youtubers rules were if you didnt want to do the dare or didnt want to say the truth, you had to take a shot, simple.

Id offered to Make the popcorn and Troye had almost instantely offered to help me, this was my chance to ask what was up.

"Zo, can i tell you something?" Troye asked.
Hes making it easier for me, Ha
"Of course ya can TroyeBoy" I smiled and squeezed his hand for comfort before putting the popcorn into the microwave
"I..umm..I..Tttthink..i..umm" He looked at his feet
God something was really damn upsetting him
"Troye, its okay, tell me" i comforted him
"I think i...like..Tyler..." i was about to speak when He continued
"Actually no", he said more confidently, "I dont think, i know i like Tyler, more then like Zoe. I love tyler and i have done for months but i cant say anything because he'll never like me back and im too young for him, he would want people his age but im only a scrawny boy from Perth. He wouldnt never like someo-"
I was going to tell Troye that Tyler had walked in during that speech, but Ty had told me he liked Troye months ago, i just hope he still had those feelings, i know he does. The way they look at eachother, just in general, they are perfect!

Tyler cleared his throat and Troye immeditely stopped. He turned round and then turned and gave me a glare before running off to his bedroom.
I looked at Tyler, he looked shocked but happy at the same time
"Ty, please tell me you have the same feelings for him you had 5 months ago?"
"I dont" i looked at him about to burst into tears, anytime soon but he thankfully continued.
"My feelings have grown stronger for him, i..love him.. but i never thought he would like me back. jesus" He ran upstairs to Troye.
Well thats my job done then. I smiled to myself, proud of what i done and emptied the popcorn into the bowl and brought it into everyone else waiting in the room.
Troye Pov
He heard it all, and now the friendship was over. God im such an idiot!!!Why didnt Zoe tell me he was there. Now he will never be my bestfriend. I lay on my bed crying, hating on myself. I rolled up my sleeve and saw 2 scars. I remember when i cut myself. I realised i was gay, and hated myself for it. That was 2 years ago and i was clean since but now?I felt the urge to hurt myself for falling in love with my bestfriend and ruining everything.
I went into the bathroom me and Tyler were sharing. I opened my side of the cabinet and looked at the razor i had once used years ago. i rolled my sleeve up and prepared myself for what i was going to do to myself. I nearly put it down when these voices in my head were screaming at me, unable to get away from them
Tyler doesnt like you, hes laughing at you liking him. Your too young and skinny for him. Do it, cut, more then once, do it, i dare you
I couldnt hold it in anymore and slid my arm watching the clear skin pour blood out.
Your an ugly faggot
One more time, i brushed the razor against my skin
and again
and again
until this time i heard my name being called, fuck.
i started sobbing as i soon realised it was Tyler calling my name, i tried to be as quiet as possible but it was impossible.
Tyler Pov
I couldnt find Troye anywhere but he had definately went upstairs. I walked into every room, and trust me, there was a hell of a lot of them. I walked into our room last, calling his name. I was about to walk out when i heard a sob come from the bathroom. bingo.
i walked to the bathroom door to find it locked
"Troye, babe let me in, unlock the door please" The sobbing got heavier while i stood there soon realising he was not going to let me in. I looked around the room for something sharp until i found my car keys, thatll do. I turned the keys a certain way to unlock it and i walked in and saw something i never wanted to see ever in my life.
Dun dun dun

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