I love you too

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Tyler Pov
Troye was sitting sobbing into his knees, with a puddle of blood around him.
"Troye!" i ran to him and took him in my arms, taking the razor out of his hand and putting it in the bin.
"No" he murmered seeing me throw it away
"Yes" I replied, sassing him but then remembered his arms were throbbing right now. I got a towel and put cold water on it
"Now it might sting okay?" He nodded, still crying heavily
I put the towel in each of his cuts until they stopped bleeding. I grabbed some plasters and kissed every one of his cuts before carefully putting the plasters on him. I cleaned the blood over the floor before lifting him up and walking to the bedroom
Troye Pov
He set me down on the bed and took me into his arms. My head was resting on his chest as it was my turn for the tears on his top. I hate crying in front on people but the fact im doing in front of the one i love, shit.

After what seemed like hours i finally stopped crying and he started questioning.
"Troye, do you want to talk about it?" I was thankful he asked me instead of going straight in. I decided to give him answers, to end our friendship right there. To let him know i understand that we cant ever be friends again. i kept the tears in so he didnt feel like he had to be friends with me. God he was probably freaked out that i love him. Fuck my life

"Ive ruined our friendship" I said ashamed
"Troye..noo..you havent"
He aint convincing nobody
"Listen to me okay?"
I nodded
"Troye Sivan you are my bestfriend and i wouldnt replace you for anyone in the whole world. About 5/6 months ago i developed feelings for you and i told Zoe about them but i was scared you wouldnt like me back so i said nothing. The truth is ive kept those feelings to myself for so long that i cant pretend anymore, so here it is. I love you Troye, i love you so much. I love your smile, i love when your singing, i love your laugh, i love your beautiful body, i love you, all of you and my heart breaks that you hate yourself so much to the extreme of harming your beautiful self. Your perfect TroyeSivan and your the only one i would ever want to be with"
I looked up him and stared into his eyes, his beautiful blue eyes
"Tilly i..ii..You dont know how happy i am oh my god"
I change moods quick , dont judge.
"I love you too" i whispered into his ear
I stopped hugging him, recieving a confused look, i leaned in and for the first time in my life?nothing around me mattered, it was like Tyler and I were the only ones in this insanely huge house.
His lips moved against mine as if we were moving along to a song. His tounge broke into my mouth and started swirling round and round, i moaned at how perfect this boy was.
I broke the kiss after a few minutes and stared into his eyes
"Tilly?" I smiled
"Yes baby" He smiled back, he blushed, fuck
"Will you be my boyfriend?" now it was my turn to blush
"You dont know how long ive wanted to hear that for"
I smiled and leaned in but he stopped me just before his lips
"Yes by the way" he laughed
i winked and we leaned in rejoining the perfect taste once again, he grabbed my wrist but i winced and pulled away, fuck these cuts
"Fuck im so sorry" he kissed them threw the plasters again
"I know what your going to say tilly, i promise ill try my best not to do it again. I just..these voices in my mind kept telling me you hate me and that youll never love me and-"
"and they werent true were they?" he butted in
"No, im sorry ty i really am" I looked down at my fingers, ashamed.
"Shh, stop saying sorry, your my boyfriend, its impossible for me to be sad right now" he laughed. I smiled and kissed his cheeks as we got up to go downstairs again, happy as a couple this time.
Troyler is real

Well it is in the book.....Yeah okay bye thanks love you

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