"I think we broke the bed"

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Tyler Pov
"Tillllyyyy..at least tell me when i can take this damn blindfold off" Troye whined as i directed him down to the secret date place.
We had went to the mall today and the whole time i had hinted of the secret location of our date tonight and he had been whining about it.
I was taking him to a huge cave at the end of the beach, which the hotel had very nicely reserved for us. They had also set out a table and chairs and very cute fairy lights for free! Although i had to pay for them to make the food, it was so worth it.
"Okay take it off" i nervously told him, scared incase he would hate it.
"Oh my god ty, this is beautiful!" he yelled, jumping into my arms thanking me about a hundred times and kissing my cheeks.
"Anything for you" i smiled and led him to the chair.
The next thing a waitor came out and handed us our food, Chicken, as i knew it was Troyes favorite.
"This is so beautiful" Troye moaned
"Food Porn right?" i laughed
"Seriously Ty, you didnt have to do all this for me"
"I know, but i wanted to. I love you and i love making you happy" i answered smiling.
"Your the best" he leaned over, kissing me in the cheek before finishing his dinner.
We slammed the hotel door and he immediately grabbed my waist and pushed me against the wall, grinding on me though never pulling his lips from mine. I moaned through the kisses as he grinded on me faster and faster, moaning himself. He let go and pushed me on the bed, taking his shoes and shirt off as i did the same. He sat on me, unbuttoning his shirt as quickly as he could. His dick was pressed against mine and it put me on real hard. Once he had his shirt off he ripped of my jeans and boxers at the same time, quickly so i was completely naked.
He kissed all around my neck, making me moan out his name and went all the way down to my dick. He started kissing around it and then put his head on it, licking all around it. He pushed his head in and out, making the shake. Fuck it felt so so good.
"Ttrrroyye..iim gunnnaaa..." i started but couldnt and just exploded into his mouth. His eyes widened shocked but then started licking every bit up. He moved up to my lips to kiss me but i flipped us around.
"You always make me pleasure, my turn" i winked before ripping off his jeans and boxers, leaving him naked also.
I licked his whole body, down to his penis area. I poked my fingers around his hole and put one in and out, making him moan.
"FFAFASTTER" he screamed.
Wow, lucky we were in a suite where the people are less likely to hear this.
I proceeded to put another two fingers in him, making him scream my name. Hes so fucking amazing.
I took my fingers out and put them in his mouth, amused at his face screwing up.
"Way to ruin the moment" he said, pretending to vomit.
I laughed but went back to his dick after. I put my head in and out, lovingly.
"Ccall my namme babby" i yelled
"mmmmmmttylerr" he moaned, pushing his fingers into the bed to stop him from falling.
I took my mouth out and licked around his penis before returning his lips to mine. He licked my lip for entrance and i let him swirl his tounge in my mouth, loving the sensation i got when he did that, everytime.
I quickly took a condom out and put it on my dick, before kissing his chest down to his dick and giving one last lick on his penis before i put my penis gently in his.
"Oooohhh" he moaned, digging his fingers into the bed.
"The pain will end soon" i assured him, gently putting it in very slowly until he got used to the feeling again.
"Fffaassttter" he moaned.
I thrusted fastly on him, making the whole bed shake, including Troye and myself.
"TTTTYYYLLELLERRR FFUUUCKKK" he yelled in pleasure.
"OOOOHHHHH" he moaned
I smirked at his moaning and gently took my dick out of him before laying beside him and cuddling into him.
"I love you" he smiled, staring at the ceiling
"I love you" i replied
We wrapped ourselves in the covers before we starting going to sleep.

I woke up, hearing and feeling a large bang in my ear. I opened my eyes and saw darkness. I moved my hands and felt a sheet in front of me. I moved it the side and saw i was facing a duvet cover. wait......
I stuck my head up to see the room in darkness, its still night. I tried getting up but couldnt so i gently tapped Troye, who hadnt woken by the noise.
"Troye baby" i whispered
"Mmmm its early" he moaned
"Babe, i think we broke the bed" i laughed
"What the hell" he said, trying to get up but banging his head on the wooden bit underneath the duvet facing him. He burst out laughing, as did i.
"Lets push it together. I mean this is one of them fold up beds, but i dont think its meant to break like this.
"One two three" Troye said, as we pushed the duvet back to normal.
I got up to look at the bottom of the bed to see two wooden planks had fallen out and that was way it had broke.
"Its like Twilight. They had Sex and the bed broke. We had sex and the bed broke!" Troye laughed.
"It should be fine till the morning, then we can tell the receptionist" i laughed
I got into bed and cuddled towards Troye before once again..falling asleep
I had to, i just had too make the bed break.

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