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Troye Pov
"I love you baby boy!!" Mom yelled getting on her flight back to Perth.
They were heading back today but since Vidcon was in two days, i was just going back to Los Angeles with Tyler.
I turned on my heel walking back to Tyler. He held out his hand so of course i held it and we started walking to our gate, which was being called for boarding.

"Tyler, sleep on my shoulder" I laughed as he had set his pillow on the desk and then rested his head, but kept turning every two fucking seconds.
He blushed slightly and rested his head on my shoulder, falling asleep. I rested my head on top of his and found myself fading.....

"Sir, you have arrived" I heard the flight attendant say. I opened my eyes and saw no one but me and the lady on the plane.
"Where are my bags, and Tyler." i asked confused
"Im presuming this 'Tyler' is the guy that said to meet him at Starbucks, hes got the bags" She smiled
"Thank you, great flight" I smiled walking to Starbucks. It was literally sign posted everywhere, easy to find.
When i got there i spotted Tyler sitting with people i knew very well. They turned round and ran to me.
"TROYE!!!" They screamed and tackled me with hugs. I saw Zoe, Alfie, Casper, Joe, Tanya, Jim, Noami, Louise and Marcus.
"I missed yous so so much!" I exclaimed
"We missed you too TroyeBoy" Zoe smiled giving me another hug before we all walked back into Starbucks. They sat down as i ordered my drink and sat down beside Tyler.
"You didnt wait on me boo?" I said pouting
"Babe im sorry but i couldnt wake you up, your too cute so i asked Helen to tell you i was at starbucks" He said, resting his head on my shoulder, relaxing me a bit.
"helen?" i questioned
"the flight attendent" He sassed
"Oh god" i rolled my eyes, causing everyone to laugh.
"Wait Ty, you knew theyd be here?"
"I did" He winked

When we had all finished our drinks, we made our seperate ways to our hotels, planning on meeting up later.
Tyler Pov
"Im good at secrets huh?" I smirked as we flopped ourselves on the bed, just getting in from the airport.
"Babe your great" He laughed and climbed on my stomach, pressing his lips on mine. He tried getting in his tounge, but i refused, causing him to moan. I finally let him in, making me moan as the sensation i got with him pulling me. He let go, smirking and sat up on the bed, getting his phone out.
"Tilly, we have to plan our connor/Joey thing right?" He asked, looking up from his phone.
"i guess so" I agreed, getting paper and pens and we sat and discussed for 2 hours, losing track of time, planning a way to get our friends to become the bestfriends they were.

"Well i think thats us for the day" Troye smiled, geting off the bed and streching.
"Agreed" i laughed and followed him into the kitchen.
"What time are we meeting everyone at?" He asked, looking in my fridge.
"Not till 6. We are going to Taco Bell for dinner' I told him.
"so we have about two hours?" He smirked and walked towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist, facing me.
"What are you planning TroyeSivan?" I smirked, trying to sound sexy but failing awfully.
"Well i might need a shower, you know, from the plane"
Fuck he was so sexy.
"Well i was going to get a bath because of my nw bath bombs but...." i laughed as he agreed to a bath and ran to the bathroom to start running it.
When it was all run, Troye started taking off my shirt, seducely. i took his off at the same time as when he started unbuttoning my pants, stripping them down, leaving me in my boxers. I kissed his whole body untill i pulled down his sweats and boxers at the same time. I started licking all around his penis, loving the sound of him moaning my name. I decided to play with him, no not in that way, as in children playing? Wink wink****
I stopped suddenly and got into the bath, leaving the poor boy standing there, horny because I had led him on.
"Fuck you" He said, getting in beside me.
He sat down beside me, and we just cuddled in the heat, enjoying eachothers company. Totally relaxed.
After a while I felt a hand on my thigh, causing me to shiver. He still lay his head on my shoulder but his hand kept getting further up.
"Troye fuckkk" I moaned, smiling
His hand made its way up to my dick area and he started rubbing.
"Ffuck" I moaned
he rubbed harder
"Yes ahhhh" I yelled, knowing no one would hear and I could be as loud as I wanted to be.
He stopped rubbing slightly and turned my head to face his, joining his lips with me. We pulled for a good 2 minutes before letting go and getting out of the bath.
"I love you" He smiled, while getting his clothes on
"I love you too babe" I smiled, already having mine on so now styling my hair.
"Ty, can I try something?" He asked, wiping his hand with a towel, which was very sexy but anyway, he walked over to me and put his hands threw my hair, which felt so fucking good, and put my hair into a quiff, but a different kind then my normal hairstyle and I sorta liked it. He kissed my cheek and walked out to the bedroom.
"Guys, seriously, I just woke up on a beach" Marcus laughed. He was telling us of the time when he had gone to a party at a beach and had woke up on a beach the next day, but a completely different beach.
I got a chicken and chilli taco and fuck it was so good. Troye got the Same as me. He was sitting opposite side of me. I looked over to him
He nodded and closed his eyes in pleasure. I laughed and continued eating my taco.
"Hey guys, whats going on with Joey recently, he hasnt answered mine or Zoes calls, skypes, texts, nothing!" Alfie asked
"Him and connor had a fight-"
"But that was months ago!!" Niomi butted in
"I know, thats why when they both get to the Vidcon center, we all need to help them seperately. Me and Troye already have a plan of our own but if yous want to join thats perfectly okay"
"Sure, id hate to see their friendship done for good" Louise smiled.
We all started talking on what me and Troye had discussed earlier untl it was tme to go. We said our goodbyes and we went our seperate ways. Me and Troye had decided to walk because it was sunny, but now the sun had gone down so it was dark.
"Taxi?" I asked him
"Ty, its fine the apartment is literally 5 minutes away " Troye laughed
"Okay Okay" I said holding his hand as tightly i could.
In all honesty i didnt want to walk, who knows whos about the streets of LA at night?
"See, we didnt die" Troye laughed, walking into the apartment.
"Well i was just being protective of my boyfriend" I said rolling my eyes.
He came up and kissed my cheek smiling before walking into the bedroom.
I took my clothes off, leaving me in my boxers and climbed into the bed, not shutting my eyes until Troye came out of the bathroom. When he did he put his strong arms around my body and we peacefully fell asleep.

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