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Troye Pov
"We are leaving now Troye, see you tomorrow!!" Tyde yelled before shutting the door. As soon as it shut i jumped on Tyler, who was sitting on my couch.
He didnt kiss back at first but evantually understood and twirled his tounge round my mouth. He put his hands up the back of my shirt and started tugging at it. I broke the kiss and took it off, pulling his off also. He lay me down and kissed me neck, leaving lovebites everywhere. He kissed round where i knew my soft spot was until he found it. He sucked on it, making both of us moans loudly.
"Let me show you i love you" was all i could say before he started unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down, leaving me in only boxers.
He got off me and took his jeans off too, so that were both in our boxers only.
I got up, grabbed his hand and led him up to the bedroom.
He closed the door and i lifted him up, holding him tightly as he laughed and wrapped his legs around my body.
"my turn to make you scream tonight" i whispered into his ear. I kissed at down his body until i got to his boxer waistline. I licked around them, noticing his bulge getting bigger. He was turned on, good.
"ffuck me" he yelled.
I ribbed down his boxers, revealing his six inch dick lying ready for me.
"Yyours too" he moaned, closing his beautiful eyes.
I did what he asked, so that we were both naked now. I felt nervous and excited. Tonight was the night he knew for sure i loved him and to make sure it was perfect.
I brought my lips down to his hip and kissed round until i got to his crotch. I started rubbing it gently, closing my eyes and enjoying his constant moans.
I stopped rubbing and put my head down to his dick and licked all around it until i finally started heading him. His hand wandered through my hair as he leaned his head in pleasure.
"Ttroye i llvove you" he screamed
"i love you too" i murmered. I took my mouth out and brought it back to his lips, reconnecting that sensation we both got when we made out.
"condom" i could heard Tyler say. I smirked and went to my cupboard and grabbed a comdom. I put it on and lay back on top of him.
I looked up at him for sure and he nodded. I lowered myself into him, noticing his hands go into a fist.
As i continued, i went faster and faster. We were both moaning extremely loud in pleasure. I didnt want to end it but evantually i let myself out of him and flopped myself down beside him.
"Come here beautiful" he whispered before pulling the covers over us and cuddling into my side. I turned the lamp off and rested into his bare body
im so awkward but im sorry for short chapter!!

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