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Tyler Pov
The fact everyone is leaving today sucks. Although Troye and me had agreed yesterday that he could stay with me for another week.
"I dont wanna leave you Tilly, im on the other side of the world" Troye cuddled into my shoulder
"I know baby, i know"
We sat looking at the ocean when i had a thought
"Troye, ive just has the most amazing idea!!"
He looked up hopeful
"Why dont you stay with me for another week!"
"Ty, are you sure?" He asked me
"Of course im sure!"
"Aw Tilly, i love you"
he looked at me and leaned in but i replied to him just before kissing his sweet lips
Flashback over
Everyone had packed but they didnt have to leave for the airport for another hour so we were all sitting talking about the last week, everyone still had a major headache from last night.
"It just went in too fast for my liking" Niomi complained, cuddling into Marcus. They were adorable.
"Ill miss you guys, but i am excited to get home to see Darcy. I cried last night just thinking that i get to see her soon!" She said, choking up a bit.
We all smiled at her
"I know, i miss my baby nala" Zoe complained.
Everyone laughed
We all sat and talked, enjoying eachothers company until it was time to leave.
Me, Troye, Joey and Connor didnt have to get a plane home as Joey was driving Connor home and Troye was coming with me so it was the others who were prepared for big plane journeys.
we all stared at eachother before all rushing land hugging eachother one by one
"Im gunna miss you guys, fuck" Tanya cried but laughing at the same time, as she hardly swears
"Ino Tan, me too" I hugged her closely
"Vidcon is only 3 months away!" Alfie reminded us, laughed
We all said our final goodbyes, before departing our seperate ways.
On the way home, i noticed Troye sniffing into his coat, looking out the window
"Troye whats wrong??"
"Im just gunna miss everyone, and Ty, we only have one more week together and then im going home"
"Then ill make it the best week of your life"
He smiled at me, wiping away the tears and i grabbed his hands, keeping my eyes in the road.
BAes im excitied for just troyler time, like fuck fuck fuck.

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