missed you

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Troye Pov
Me and Tyde had gone home and i was happy when Tyde went in the pool with Sage and Mum, he was happy again, which made me happy. I walked to my room, wrecked.
I flung myself on my bed and closed my eyes but immediately opened them again when i realised i had yet to call Tyler.
Tyler- TroyeSivan!!!
Tyler- I miss you super much like oh my god
Troye- I know i miss you too
Tyler- How was the flight. Did you just get in??
Troye- The flight was smooth yeah, great. Actually i got in about an hour again but i took Tyde out so im so tired. Im just going to get some sleep now
Tyler- Girl, you should get the best freaking brother award
(i could sense him smirking at the phone)
Troye- Whatever. Ill text ya tonight ty. i love you so much
Tyler- Ya better, love ya too babe
Tyler pov
Hearing Troyes voice made everything better. I missed him so much but i know this is the way things will work from now on, so ill have to live with it. It was 11pm over here so i got into bed, content that i had at least heard Troyes voice.
I woke up to the biggest scream in the world. I jumped out of bed and ran to the window. I saw a boy, about 7 or 8, being chased by his father. Damn you had to wake up me over this. I walked to my bed and read 7am. Ugh fuck my life. Well im up now. I decided to to for a run, to clear my mind from the Connor/Joey/Daniel thing to the missing Troye thing. I put my shorts and a t-shirt on, grabbed my iphone and headphones and went for a short run round the streets.
I got in the shower after i came home from my short run. I did my shampoo and conditioner, but i felt lonely without Troye. fuck i just needed him so much.
When i was ready i got out, got dried, dressed, styled my hair and lifted a banana for breakfast, i wasnt really hungry. I checked the time, 9am. I wanted to call Troye but i had no idea what time it was over there so i chose not too. I decided to phone someone, bored of being in the house all day, like yesterday had turned out. I decided to phone Connor to ask about Joey and Daniel but just as i was about to phone, my laptop read an incoming skype call from 'TroyeSivan'
The excitement is real. I answered immediately.
"Troye!!!!" i shouted so loudly im pretty sure the boy being chased outside could have heard it, it was loud
"God tyler, any louder?" Troye joked
We laughed
"Is it not late over there?" I asked, he looked pretty tired
"Its like 2am but its fine. I woke up and the first i thought was you, so here we are" He laughed, sexy tired laugh
"Aw troye, thats cute but go to bed"
"No no, im okay. I wanna talk to you"
"I miss you, like crazy miss you around Troye" I sadly just put it out there
"Me too, Ty, me too"
We talked for about an hour. He told me about how he had helped Tyde get over some girl and how he was happy he was happy again but how he missed me. When we ended the call, tears formed. I loved him and he lived on another side of the world.
Connor Pov
"Joey im telling the truth!I would never lie to you, dude come on!" I yelled. He was being so unfair
"Give it up. Daniel would never do that!Your just jealous cause its the fucking truth!!"
Hurtful. fucking hurtful. And i must have been showing it because-
"I didnt mean it like that" Joey said, looking me in the eye
"You know what Joey?Im doing the best for you by telling you this but if you believe the man youve known for 3 months over the man youve know for what, 3 years?Then dont bother talking to me again" With that i turned on my foot, tears falling down my face and drove my car to a certain persons house.
I acc think in real life Daniel and Joey are cute as fk but yano, drama was needed.

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