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Troye Pov
i felt my shoulders being shook and i opened my eyes.
"Babe, wake up, we are ten minutes away" Tyler smiled, rubbing my shoulder
"Great" i smiled back and sat up straight.
"Excited?" I asked him
"Nervous actually" he laughed awkwardly
"What, why?Youve met them before?"
"Not as your boyfriend!"
"Yes they have, at the hospital with Steele we were dating?Didnt they say how much they loved you?"
"I guess so..but this is for two weeks. What if they decide they hate me or something?A lot can happen in two weeks you know" He turned red
"I promise, they love you"
I held his hand and kissed him on the cheek before looking out the small plane window.
I saw trees and a huge lake. Oh how i love Perth.

"Troye!!" I heard someone say. Me and Tyler turned round to see Mom, Dad and Tyde standing waving their hands about.
"Hey!" I ran up to them and give each one of them hugs and kisses. My mom and dad pulled Tyler in for a hug too.
"Tyler, my boy, how are you?" Dad asked smiling
"Great, hows yous?"
"Very well thank ya!" Dad answered, winking at me. I rolled my eyes. My dad thought 'ya' was the 'thing to say'
Dad was the biggest Troyler fan ever, legit.
We carried our bags to the car and got in.
Dad was driving his car which had my One Direction 'Take me home' CD in it. He started the car and it came straight on.
Tyler looked at me and laughed.
"Liking the boys are you Mr Mellet?" Tyler laughed
"Loving them and call me Shaun" He smirked, winking at me again.
"Hey mom wheres Sage?" I asked, noticing she hadnt came to the airport
"She had a test to study for. Her last exam is on Monday" She explained
"Shame" i answered
Tyler looked at me and smirked
"What?" I asked confused
"Remember when i said australians say 'Shame' all the time?!"
"Oh shit yeah" i laughed
"Troye" Mom gave me 'the look'. Its funny, she has no problem with me swearing in my videos but she has a problem with me swearing in front of her, yet she can swear herself?Confused.

"Troye!!!" Sage screamed, running up to me and jumping into my arms as we entered the house.
"I missed you" she said into my shoulder
"Missed you too boo" i smiled, letting go of her.
"Tyler hey!" She hugged him too
"Hey sage, how are you?" He asked.
I let them have a conversation while i went into the kitchen, looking for some food because plane food is not my thing.
"Tyler do you want food?" I shouted into him
"What ya got?" he shouted back
"Um.." I looked threw my cupboards, to see 3 jars of Nutella, yes yes yes.
I heard Tyler walking into the kitchen
"Oh i love the selection" He smirked
I turned round with a confused look on my face
"Its Nutella?its insane"
He raised his eyebrows and muttered something under his breath
"What was that?" I asked
"Hm?Nothing" He gave himself a small smile before walking over to me and kissing me on my cheek.
He started walking away but i wrapped my arms around him and pulled him towards me. Our noses were touching and all i could hear was our heavy breathing
"What was that?" i asked again
"I just commented on how nutella is loved more than me" he whispered, smirking.
I smashed my lips onto his as his hands moved in my hair.
"Get a room" Tyde laughed walking into the kitchen.
We immeditely let go and i looked at Tyler to see he hadnt even blushed, he just started doing his Tyler Oakley laugh, damn i love him.
We decided on pancakes and nutella because who wouldnt? We walked into the living room and sat beside Tyde who was watching some sport shit.
"Tyde this is borinngggggg" i whined, grabbing the remote.
"Hey im watching that" he argued trying to grab it back.
"Hard luck" i smirked, holding the reomote away from him.
"Your such a dick Troye" he laughed, giving up on getting back the remote.
"Friends?" i asked Tyler who nodded
"Oh god, your such a girl" Tyde scoffed at what we had chosen.
"Your only knowing this now?"
He just rolled his eyes and went on his phone
"Tyde hows Kendall?" I asked him
"Oh yeah shes great. Shes coming round tonight"
"Cool. Tyler have you met her?" i asked him
"youll like her"
He nodded and continued to eat his pancakes.

After we had ate we brought our bags up to my room and i began to unpack while Tyler sat on my bed on tumblr.
"Do you wanna go out tonight?" I asked him but he continued staring at his phone
"I mean we could stay in and have a movie night or we could go out an-"
"Troye look" he cut me off and showed me his phone.
It was a photo of two boys kissing, i didnt recognise any of them.
"Um who are they?" i asked, unaware of the reason he was showing me this.
"Shane!" He almost yelled, showing me his phone again.
"What?He hasnt even come out yet, right?" I asked, recognising him now.
Shane had told us he is bisexual a long time ago and he had a boyfriend but he hadnt came out to his subscribers and im not sure he was planning on it in a long time.
"Well shit" was all i could say.
"Ill ring him" Tyler decided
Tyler Pov
Shane- Oakley
Tyler- Shane listen you need to go on tumblr right now, or any social media site really.
Shane- Im driving in the middle of nowhere right now, theres no cell service, why?
(Shit i cursed under my breath)
Tyler- Shane theres a photo of and your boyfriend...
Shane- ......what
Tyler- ill send you it
Shane- Shit shit shit, oh my god, how dod this even happen?
Tyler- Hey man itll be okay, just drive to wherever your driving too and then you can explain yourself okay?
Shane- God, i knew there would be a picture of it somewhere, theyre couldnt not be when we were in a mall. Stupid stupid
Tyler- Are you ready to come out now?
Shane- I guess i have to be now
Tyler- Call me if you need anything okay?
Shane- Thanks Oakley
and he hung up.
"I feel for him" Troye frowned, putting his empty rucksack beside his bed.
He sat up against his bed frame and patted the spot beside him. I crawled up to the top of the bed and cuddled into his side with his arms wrapped around me.
He started massaging my hair. It felt so good.
"Troye i love you"
"Love you more babe" he pulled my chin up with his fingers so i was looking up at his face. He brought his lips to mine and softly kissed me. He licked my lips asking for entrance but being the little shit i am, didnt let him.
He groaned and moved his hands around my back which made me gasp as the coldness. He got his tounge in and started smirking threw the kiss. He planned that, the little fucker.
"To answer your question earlier, can we just stay in tonight?Im tired" I whispered, threw the kiss.
"Mmmm" was all he could get out before pulling away. I pulled a pouty face, confused at why he would pull away at such a fab moment.
"Babe, my parents are in. I dont wanna start something i cant finish"
"Wise" I nodded amd turned around, cuddling back into his side.
Shane just came out!!Im so so proud of him!!Who else is?

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