so super happy

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Connor Pov
Me, Joey, Tyler and Troye were eating our dinner at a place I booked last night, called 'PF Changs', a really good Chinese, fuck it was good. We had gotten 3 dishes and rice and fries and we all just shared whatever we wanted.

The whole night I noticed Tyler and Troye never let go out eachothers hands. They're really in love, I was so super happy for them.

"Hey Con, when's your book coming out?" Troye asked with a smile
"Well the first copy will be produced Next Friday but it officially comes out to everyone else in 3 weeks time I think!" I said. I had written a book over the past year about well, me and was so so happy for it to come out.
"Girrrlll I'm so happy for you!Itll be amazing" Joey smiled. He had been my bestfriend since I started YouTube and always will be really. He helped me with coming out, and even though he only recently managed himself?He was great, I hope never to lose him.
Troye Pov
The car home I couldn't control myself, the thought of what I said to Tyler earlier made me cringe, but fuck it made me hard. I felt it getting bigger and as soon as we got home I rushed upstairs into the bathrooms.
I pulled down my pants and started rubbing, moaning slightly.
Fuck that was better, I needed Tyler, now
Tyler Pov
When we got home Troye ran upstairs, so me being me had to investigate. I walked to our bedroom and heard slight moans from the bathroom, fuck. I knew exactly what I had to do.

After a few minutes of waiting, he walked out and I grabbed his face and pushed him onto the bed, locking the door on the way. I ripped his shirt off and started kissing all over his chest, fuck he was beautiful. I lead my lips up to his and we moved in perfect harmony to eachothers lips. He fought his tounge in for dominance but I didn't let him, stubborn I know. He groaned and I couldn't hold myself in anymore. I started unbuttoning his jeans, I unzipped and pulled the button out before looked at him for permission.
"Fuck" was all he said so I took that as a yes.
I ribbed them off, seeing his boxers were coming off too, well might as well speed up the process, two in one right?I had already seen his dick today anyway, so fuck it

I leaned in to kiss him again, feeling him flip us, so he was now on top. He pulled out lips apart and took my top off, not wasting time to take my shorts of as well.
Now left in my boxers, he kissed all over my body, receiving moans from me, he was just so perfect God.
When he got to my crotch area he gently started rubbing my dick threw my boxers.
"Moan my name baby, moan it" he said in such a sexy voice
I figured Joey and Connor were at the other side of the house and everyone else was out so why not?
he tore off my boxers, leaving us both naked. He took a moment to stare into my eyes, I smirked and flipped it again, so I was on top of him.
i started rubbing his dick, slower then to faster until the point where the bed was fully shaking
fuck that was amazing
"Fffuuuccckkk" Troye moaned
I had had enough and finally got off him walking to my cupbored, receiving hurtful looks from Troye.
"you did not just do that" I smiled thinking of what I was about to do to my beautiful boyfriend. I grabbed a condom, and put it on my dick. I walked to where Troye lay.
"babe, your a virgin aren't you?" I asked knowing the answer, already he looked down blushing
"but if I ever wanted to give myself to someone if would be you, and since you have a condom on, I only have one command."
he stared into my eyes
"fuck me like you mean it"
With that I gently proceeded to put my dick into his body but paused,
"it'll hurt at first okay baby, squeeze my hand if it hurts okay"
he nodded, gulping loudly.
I gently put myself into him, not far at first, feeling him squeeze my hand.
"you sure?" I asked worried
"yes" he said confidently
I slowly sped up the speed of thrusts until I got him moaning my name in pleasure.
"Tttyyyyyllleerrr" he shouted, fuck I was glad Joey and Connor weren't near our room, that would be embarrassing.
I thrusted more into him before exiting him and collapsing on the right side of him
He cuddled into my side whispering "I love you"
"I love you to Troye, I love you too" I said before peacefully falling alseep in my boyfriends arms
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