Butterflys again

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Troyes pov
Waking up is the worst, like why cant we just sleep the whole day, that way, no one would have emotions, life would be a lot easier. Okay im lazy i know i know.

I was interupted in my thoughts by a skype call. I saw Tylers name and got butterflys in my stomach, before i even clicked answer. Tyler had been my bestfriend since my first Vidcon, 2 years ago. It was now 2015 and i had developed a hugh crush on my bestfriend, no not a crush. It started with a crush then a minor love situation, but right now?i know he can never like me so i cant go to the next stage, i cant let myself get there just to be hurt.

I realised he was probably wondering where i was, i quickly answered before he would hang up

"Troye!!!!!!" he yelled smiling down the camera on my laptop
"Tyler hey!!!" I smiled, he made me so happy
"i thought you werent going to reply, is it early over there?"
"Early for me"
He laughed, wow, butterflys again. fuck.
"So whatd ya want?you never ring me this early?" I asked. He always rings me at night time, since time differences and shit like that
"Cant i just call ma favourite boy because i want to say hi??"
i give him 'that look'
"Okay okay, well i got a call today from the Youtube Head Office today, they explained that because PlayList Live Isnt on this year because of financial issues, they would rent us youtubers, a house we could live in together in for a week. Theres three houses spread between youtubers so we could be with anyone really!!He said i could let you know, he called everyone else but for some reason he couldnt reach you"

A house with tyler...for a week....fuck

"Tyler that sounds incred oh my god!!I would love it!!When?"
He smiled, probably glad i like the idea. I love his smile...

"Well he said he could get a flight orginized for you in 3 days to LA and you could stay with me a few days before everyone arrives, sounds good??"
We continued talking until he had to go meet his bestfriend, Korey, for lunch.
The whole time i thought of his beautiful face, laugh, voice...But hes my bestfriend!!i cant think these things, but a week with him, and staying at his house?i dont know if my feelings can stay inside......
Tyler Pov.
I hated hanging up on Troye, i loved talking to him, i missed him a lot. It sucked he lived on the other side of the planet, but ill see him in a few days. Im so excited to see everyone, but my heart has a soft spot for Troye, ever since he came out, he changed, in a good way and i cant help but think we have more then a friendship together, i like Troye and i know for sure my feelings with grow stronger the next few weeks, he wont like me, i have to deal with that...i guess
So troyler is my life. legit. Im georgia and yeah, idk how many likes and shit itll get, but ill give it a go cause, its fucking fun😂sorry about spelling mistakes lol

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