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Tanya Pov
I woke up at 8am today, too early I know. I decided to get up and make everyone breakfast. Today was our last day, so we wanted to make it special all together.

I went downstairs and started making two different types of pancakes: Blueberry and Apple.
I looked at the time, 9 already?An hour had went by quickly.
The timer beeped when i heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I turned around and saw Troye and Tyler hand in hand walking into the kitchen.
"Morning boys" I smiled at them and handed them a plate each
"Tan you made us breakfast?Your such a sweetheart, thankyou" Troye said in his wee Australian accent. He kissed me on the cheek and sat down to eat his blueberry pancakes.
"thanks you" Tyler smiled, "you didn't have to"
he sat beside Troye and started eating up, his apple pancakes. I smiled as they complemented my food.
Troye Pov
Today we decided to go to the beach. It was sad it was our last full day together, but we would make it the best yet. In all honesty I was worried about Tyler and I. We lived in completely different continents. I'm not sure about long-distance relationships...
"TroyeBoy, cmon we are here!!" Zoe shouted, clearly excited.
I smiled as Tyler kissed my cheek and grabbed my hand as we walked to where the others had set out a blanket and our stuff we would need.
"Guys lets swim" Tyler shouted and all of us ran into the sea, not caring what anyone else thought and started messing about, it was freezing at first but it got warmer.
"Hey guys, I brought a ball, we should play volleyball or something, I saw a net when we walked down" Alfie suggested
we all agreed to eat our picnic and then play volleyball.
The girls had made a 'stunning' lunch, as Casper called it, and we all ate up, anxious to play volleyball together, but enjoying the food too much to rush it.
When we all finished, Joe grabbed the ball and we ran to the nets. We went in two teams, dividing us like adults.....Rock Paper Scissors, leaders ending up being Connor and Jim.
Connors team: Me, Zoe, Joe, Casper, Louise and Tanya
Jims team: Niomi, Marcus, Tyler, Joey, Alfie
"Can i just say if we lose, its because they have one more person" Jim announced, causing everyone to laugh.

Before we started, Tyler ran up to me, I was expecting a kiss or something so I smiled until all I got was a hot whisper in my ear saying:
"I'm gunna kick your ass bitch"
"game on" i replied
we smirked at eachother and started playing
Tyler Pov
I told that bitch we would win and we did, we beat them a hell of a lot of points, 6:11. Yes it's fair to say we smashed them.
God competitive much?
I walked over to Troye who was sitting on the blanket with Zoe and Alfie now looking into the sea and sat beside them
"Maybe I'm too competitive" I said innocently looking at him
He smiled and turned to me
"Tyler Oakley your the most competitive man I've met in my life, but I still love you"
"I love you too"
I leaned in and kissing his lips, pulling away reluctantly. We held hands and just looked at the ocean and all the families around. The others went in the ocean again but we just sat, content in each others company.
A little girl caught my eye, she was running out of the sea into her mothers arms. Her mother kissed her on the head and carried the little girl in her arms, walking over to another pretty, young lady. She let the little girl down, and she started making a sandcastle. The two ladies watched her, smiling and laughing. One of them held the others hands, and kissed her on the cheek before cuddling into her side. I looked over at Troye who seemed to be watching them also.
"Yes" i answered, knowing what he was going to say.
He smiled and rested his head on my shoulder, watching the others splashing eachother in the sea.
When we got home from the beach, we all decided to dress up and go to a club named 'Harléy'. The girls got all dressed up, looking beautiful. I had to look at them twice, and im gay so that tells you something.
Zoe: Grey pale dress, above her knees, black heeled boots, chained gold necklace and gold chained bracelets to match. Wearing dark purple lips
Niomi: Deep red top with a leather jacket over the top, black skinny ripped jeans and wedged red heels. Wearing deep red lipstick.
Louise: Flowery dress, down to her knees and some pink heels, with a matching flowery necklace and earrings. Wearing Pale pink lips
Tanya: Cropped purple top, with strings on the end hanging down, black high waisted boyfriend jeans and big purple heels. Wearing nude lips
"yous all look!" I complemented, as the boys agreed and the girls thanked us.
"Well Lego" Troye shouted and we got in the taxi we had ordered.
"TROYE DO YOU WANT ANOTHER DRINK" i yelled over the loud music.
He nodded and continued dancing, on his own, in the middle of the dance floor. Yep he was drunk. Surprisingly i wasnt the most drunk one tonight, Troye had had the most drinks, but in reality we were all pissed.
I gave him his drink and we continued dancing. He started grinding on me, dirtly and i moaned loudly.
Everyone was drunk, who gave a damn?
Troye stopped grinding and led me into the bathroom. We got in and he started unbuttoning my pants, agressively.
"Fuck me Troye" i slurred, being able to hear myself for the first time all night.
"Oh i will baby" He smirked and started to take my boxers off, right before the door open.
"Can you get out we are having a moment?" Troye slurred out of his mouth.
Luckily i wasnt drunk enough to see a guard in front of us, telling me to zip my pants and get the hell out. He pushed us out the door and yelled that we violated the rules and to never come back due to disguisting manners.
"Cunt" Troye laughed, sitting on the ground.
"Ya got that right" I said sitting beside him.
Suddenly he grabbed my hand and started walking down to the public bathrooms.
He locked the door and laughed, turning into a cough, turning into him throwing up all over a sink.
"Fuck baby" I said coming over to him, stroking his cheek.
"I-I still want you sexy" He whispered into my ears. Kissing him after he threw up wasnt exactly my ideal kiss but i wanted him too and immediately started undressing my bottom half, him doing the same.
When we were fully unclothed (apart from top half) He dragged me against the wall and immediately rubbed my dick, quickly and very sexual.
"FUCKKKK" I yelled, loudly and proud.
He got on his knees and brought his mouth onto my dick, licking every part of it.
I moaned and groaned before we had finished and were putting out clothes on again.
We stumbled our way to the bar and saw everyone outside
"We were having fun in a bathroom since that cunt kicked us out, i hate him already" Troye huffed.
"Lets just go home, ive had enough" Zoe said, who was less drunk then everyone
I love yous.

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