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Troye Pov
"Hey, i will see yous soon okay?I will be in England soon to help yous plan!Just tell me when yous are ready" I laughed.
Zoe told me she wanted me and Tyler to help plan the wedding because apparantly gay people can plan weddings the best, apparantly. And because we are together, we can think of how we'd want it done. But they were in no rush to get married so we had plenty of time.
"We loves yous!!" We yelled to the british as they left for the airports.
"Guys, we love you bad!" Connor smiled, him and Joey hugging both of us.
"We love yous to, glad to have ya back Joey" Tyler smiled, hitting his back playfully.
"Tyler, we didnt even get drunk together like usual what is this?" Mamrie yelled over to Tyler.
"Not my fault Troyes clumsy" He winked
"Dont make me feel worse!"
"Dont worry boy, its Mamrie and Tyler, they will make up for the lose of time they had" Hannah winked before we all said our goodbyes and driving home.
"This has been an amazing Vidcon. To think this time last year we were only two bestfriends that had major crushs on eachother and this year we are madly in love, boyfriend and boyfriend" Tyler laughed
"I know. Im glad we are together. I cant do anything without my tilly" i said, snuggling into him.
"Guys we are heading back, see yous soon!!" Mamrie, Hannah and Grace called, getting into Hannahs car.
We blew them kisses and then finally got into Tylers car to drive back to LA.
My plane was tomorrow morning. I guess we hadnt thought of what we would do next. The car had been silent the whole time and since we were only half way there, i know this wouldnt be a fun journey. He might be thinking the same as
"Tyler" i spoke, breaking the silence
"Yes" He said, keeping his eyes on the road
"Have you thought about um.."
"Yes" he repeated
"Dont know"
Well someones in a shit mood.
"Uh okay then" I answered, grumpily looking out the window.
It stayed silent for about ten minutes until i had the most amazing idea.
"Come to Perth!" I practically yelled, making Tyler jump
"God Troye" he said annoyed
I rolled my eyes but still yelled at him.
"Come to perth Tyler!!!Come home with me!!"
"Troye this isnt like my house where you can stay when you want to, this is your parents house-"
"Who love you" i butted in smirking, knowing they wouldnt mind him staying.
"Lets just get home and then talk about it okay?" He grabbed my hand and continued to drive home.
The rest of the way back i thought of what we could do in Perth that was interesting. Tyler took me to a lot of cool places in LA, i needed to keep up the standard.
Tyler Pov
Troye had asked me to go to Perth with him. It was a great idea but i didnt want his mom to have any trouble with her sons boyfriend staying in her house for whatever amount of weeks. He starting dialing her number and put the phone on speaker so i could hear.

Phone Call***
Troye: Mom how are you?
Mrs Mellet: Great yeah!Just got a haircut, ill send you a picture after this!I must say im looking swell
Troye: Oh mom (Laughs)
Mrs Mellet: How was Vidcon boy?
Troye: So good!Mainly focused on my music this year but Zoe and Alfie got engaged, did you see on my twitter?
Mrs Mellet: Yeah, send them my love!
Troye: Will do mom. So i was wondering if Tyler could stay-
(she buts in)
Mrs Mellet: Babe you dont even need to ask
Troye: Thanks mom, your the best. Love you!
Mrs Mellet: Im excited Troyeboy. See yous at the airport so text me!love you!
And she hung up.

"Well i think im accepted by the in laws!" I laughed
"I think she loves you more she loves me!" Troye said, pretending to be hurt.
"well i love you" i whispered, wrapping my arms around his small waist.
"Ty, you gotta pack. We are leaving at 7am tomorrow!
"Shit" i said, running into the bedroom.
Im kinda done with my mother Omg

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