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Troye Pov
"So Ty, we have 3 more days in Brighton, lets plan what we are gunna do since theres no Zoe or Alfie here" I said sitting down on the desk in our hotel room, patting my knee for Tyler to sit on it. He came and wrapped his arms around my neck, relaxing on my knee.
"Okay well we are getting a train to London today to meet Niomi and Marcus and then tomorrow i say we just have a relaxing day at the beach" he smiled, kissing my forehead
"Agreed and then on the last day we should go shopping or something maybe?" i asked
"On the last day im taking you on a date" he winked
I looked up at him, "Date?" i smirked
"Date, dont ask any more about it except it will be amazing"
I smiled and leaned up, kissing his perfect lips.
"We should go soon" Tyler said in between the kiss
"Mmm" i answered, not caring of what he just said
"Hey guys!" Tyler yelled, walking into Niomi and Marcus' apartment.
"Hey, did yous get a good sleep last night after the big day?" Niomi smiled
"We did indeed, yous?" he smiled
"Yeah, we did"
"The whole day was beautiful wasnt it" Niomi smiled, as we sat on her couch
"Yeah, Zoe was stunning" i said, grabbing Tylers hand.
Niomi nodded.
"So guys, we can eat later but do you wanna make some collabs?Niomi and i both need new videos for sunday!" Marcus laughed
"Sure, mylers back" Tyler laughed
"Okay okay, hold upppp" i stopped him, winking.
"Niomi, wanna do my makeup?" i asked
Everyone burst out laughing
"I mean for the video" I laughed, clearing it up.
"Sure ya did" Tyler laughed, walking into the other room with Marcus.
"Wait i have an idea, i was thinking of doing my summer makeup routine so why dont we do the not my arms challenge, doing my routine?"
"Perfect!And on mine we can just you doing my makeup?"
"Sure" she nodded
We got the camera set up and started filming. It was hilarious as i literally had no idea how to put anything on. Marcus and Tyler did another balloon challenge on Marcus' channel and a 'Impressions' video on Tylers. They finished before us so came in and watched, pissing themselves at the sight of us.
When we finished up we decided to go out for lunch, as it was already 2.
"Theres this cute cafe about a ten minute walk from here" Marcus explained so we headed out.

"Look at the size of that cupcake oh my god!" i pointed
"Wanna half babe?" Tyler asked
"Sure" I agreed.
We ordered our food and sat down to eat.
"Troye hows your brother doing?" Marcus asked me
"Oh hes doing well thanks!Hes off the crutches now which is good!"
"Thats great" He nodded, smiling.

When we finished we went into random stores around London centre.
"Wait is that a..drag queen store?" I asked, pointing to a store that had a male maniquin with a wig, big red dress and huge heels on.
"Yeah oh my god c'mon" Marcus laughed, dragging us into the store.
We were greeted by, of course; a drag queen.
"Hello guys, how can i help yous?" She greeted us
"Just looking thank you" Tyler replied smiling.
The Drag Queen nodded and walked back to her counter, not paying attention to us anymore.
"Hey Troye, try this on" Tyler laughed.
We walked over to him to see him wearing a purple long haired wig and was holding up a red wig for me to put on. I laughed and grabbed the wig, placing it on my head.
Marcus got his camera out and started vlogging us, it was hilarious.
Tyler Pov
"Ill help with dinner babe" Troye smiled, walking into the kitchen with Niomi.
"Thanks Troye" she replied, as the two started into cooking dinner.
Marcus and I were editing the video we had made earlier on Marcus channel
"Theyre gunna love it. They usually do when we have balloons" Marcus laughed
"Absoutely" i agreed, nodding and laughing at the same time.
"Arent you gunna edit your video?" he asked confused
"Oh ill do it when i get LA" i answered

"Dinner is served!" Troye yelled and we sat down at the table.
On our plates was a big roasted lamb
"Niomi this looks insane!" I said to her
"Taste it" she told me
I cut it up and put a bit in my mouth. I instanly got a taste of the juices in the lamb. Everyone was staring at me, to see my reaction
"Holy shit" Everyone laughed and started eating.
"Saw 3, Toy Story or The Game Plan?" Marcus asked, looking at the movies on TV.
"Very mixed range there Marbob" Niomi laughed
"They are the only good ones on" he shrugged and looked at Troye and I who were sitting on the sofa, hand in hand, Troye cuddling into my side.
"Toy Story duhh" He laughed as Marcus put it on

"Its funny how Buzz and Woody didnt get along at first right" Marcus asked, serious
We all stared at him and burst out laughing
"Sure Marcus" Niomi laughed, patting his back

When the movie was over we decided to play truth or dare, without the wine.
"Truth or dare Tyler?" Niomi asked him
"Dare" I answered, confidently.
"I dare you to shout out the window 'I just pooped my pants and it stinks' loudly" Niomi laughed, saying it
I nodded and stood up to the window, opening it.
"I JUST SHIT MYSELF AND IT STINKS SO BAD" I screamed before closing it and sitting back down, without a word. We all pissed ourselves after though.
"Troye, Truth or Dare?" Marcus asked Troye
"Um..i dare you to tweet 'Can somebody help me, ive stuck a pen up my ass and cant get it out' and say nothing until an hour after" He smirked, evil
"Oh shit" He giggled nervously but sent the tweet.
"An hour?" he confirmed
"A full blown hour my boy" Marcus laughed
"Niomi, truth or dare" Troye asked her
"When did you and marcus first have sex"
"I think it was like two or three months after we started dating" She laughed, blusing
"Ohhh scandalous" He sassed, causing everyone to laugh
"Troye, you know when we first done it, dont make comments on their sex life" i winked making him laugh and nod.
"Well we should get going i guess, its getting late. Thanks for today guys, it was super fun and the food was fab!" Troye ,very sweetly, said as we all stood up.
"No problem at all!See yous after christmas!Have a good one guys!" Niomi smiled as we walked out to the train station, hoping there would be a late train, we didnt think that far ahead
Legit realised I have over 300 views omg thank yous so much!!!ily

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