Vidcon Day 4

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Troye Pov
"Im an idiot" i said as Tyler told me my events of last night
"At least you didnt break anything. Be careful with the bump on your head, the doctor said it could have caused cancer if he didnt fix it up in time!" he shouted.
"And the bump on your hip Cant get infected, very dangerous the doctor said" Tyler continued.
"Fuck, it hurts. Everyones gunna be so pissed " i felt tears in my eyes.
"Babe its okay!!Everyone loves you and they wont be pissed or you so dont be worried" He said in a comforting voice.
"I love you tilly, i really do" i said, wrapping my arms around his waist and cuddling into him.
After a few minutes he told me we both had to go to our interview with Hollywire.
We got up, and he gave me a short kiss before wiping my tears and walking out the door to the room.

"So Troye, what can you tell us about your upcoming album?" Chelsea asked me
"Well i actually have the main stage tonight and thats what im talking about so look into that but eh yeah ive been working really hard over the last few months on it and its really coming together the way i want it to so im excited to just get it out there" i smiled
"And i have to ask, how many songs are about Tyler, i know you write your own songs" She smirked
I looked at Tyler and laughed
"Well i do write them, with help of course and i need to do two more but so far there is one in particular that is very special to me" I answered, careful not to say to much.
"Tyler have you heard any songs that no one else has yet?" Chelsea asked him.
"Ive heard three new ones and yes im so proud of him. Everyone will love them im sure!" He smiled
"Great well thanks for being with us guys!"
We ended the interview and then walked back stage. I had my main stage rehersal in ten minutes and Tyler had more random interviews and a LGBT panel with Hannah, sadly i couldnt go.
"Babe hows your hip?" Tyler asked,rubbing my arm
"Sore but its my own fault so its okay. My heads killing me, hangovers" I said, rolling my eyes
"I know i know" he laughed.
"Catch ya later i love you!" Tyler said, kissing me goodbye as he ran to his next interview.

"So a countdown will come up 5 to 1" The dirctor told me, "When it gets to 1 itll play the chorus of Happy Little Pill and then you run on okay?" She smiled. She was called Diane and was very nice.
"Okay, so let me get this straight. I run on and Korey will have already introduced me. Then i will talk about the album a bit and then answer questions?" I asked, making sure i didnt forget
"Exactly, your a fast learner" She said
I laughed, knowing if she knew me, i was not a fast learner.
"So you have a little break until tonight. Be here at 5!" She smiled, walking away.

I decided to see who had free time so i walked into the hall to see Zoe sitting on her laptop with headphones in. She saw me coming and smiled, unplugging her headphones.
"Troye i heard about last night are you okay?" She asked, looking concerned.
"Yeah, im lucky but im good!My hip hurts but ill get over it!" I smiled
"Well your just the boy i wanted to see...guess what?!" She said, her eyes nearly popping out of her face
"HE PROPOSED!!!!!!!" she yelled
"OH MY GOD!!!!!!!" i yelled but louder.
She jumped up and i swung her round in my arms
"Im so happy for yous both!!!!"
"Thanks Troye, your the last person ive told and everyone has been so nice. Im so happy!!" she exclaimed
"You would be!Congrats babe" I smiled and kissed her cheek before we both sat down to discuss plans for her and Alfie.
So i got a D in English and im trying to explain it to my mother. She aint having any of it fs

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