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Tyler Pov
When we go back from the run/beach me and Troye decided to just relax today. The girls were going to some other mall, Alfie and Joe were going into town and the other boys were gunna relax at the pool so we all were doing seperate things today, all tired out.
"Hey, have you watched Modern Family before?" Troye asked
"Nope, is it good?" I asked
"Oh my god, its hilarious, lets start it" He smiled settling on the couch.
We started watching it and he was right, it was so fucking funny tears came out of my eyes. There were a gay couple in it and they had adopted a baby. I looked to Troye.
"You know...if you wanted..when know.." i stopped embarrassed
"Agreed" He smiled and kissed my lips before returning his gaze back to the show.
We were in the middle of watching our 6th episode of Modern Family when there was a knock at the door. I got up to answer.
I opened the door and there was the one and only, Joey Graceffa.
I stood shocked when i heard Troye asking who it was. He walked in, as i still stood shocked he was here.
"joey man!!" Troye said running up and hugging him.
"Hey guys. How are yous?" he asked smiling.
He hasnt talked to anyone in months and he has the cheek to ask how we are?Seriously?
"Do you care?" I sassed, crossing my arms. Troye gave me a look and told Joey to come in.
"Do you want a drink or something?" Troye smiled
"No, im good but thank you" he answered, politely.
"What do you want" I asked cheekily
"Okay, i know yous are pissed and i should have talked to yous i just..i dont know i-" He started
"No, dont. Just because of your stupid fight with Connor doesnt mean you had to block everyone out. Its fucking rude and you cant just waltz into my house expecting forgiveness" I said angrily.
"Tyler, i know your mad but please let me explain" He begged
I rolled my eyes, recieving a look from Troye who told him to sit on the couch. I walked over and sat down waiting for his excuse. He stayed silent for a minute
"Well?" I asked
"Okay so the truth is, when Connor and me had that fight i was torn. My boyfriend or my bestfriend?I called Daniel that night and he came round to comfort me. I realised i didnt need Connor, i had Daniel. So i didnt bother with him but after a while, Daniel started acting weird, like creepy weird until one night he tried to um..he tried..." He stopped
"Sex?" I said openly. Troye gave me another look, okay i get it Troye.
"Eh..yeah....Well and i wasnt ready so we broke up. After that i needed Connor, i needed him so bad but i couldnt text him, he hated me. So i got depressed. Everynight i found myself hating myself more and more before it got to the point where i wanted to harm myself. I had broke my phone and i was too depressed to get a new one...Im so sorry. Im sorry for blocking yous out, im so sorry fuck. Please please forgive me" He begged, tears forming in his eyes.

I didnt know what to say. Joey had been one of our best mates once, but he had been depressed and hadnt let us help him. I feel bad, he was crying and i suppose it wasnt his fault Daniel was a dick and i suppose it wasnt his fault that he had gotten depression, fuck what to do what to do..
I looked over to Troye who also had tears in his eyes.
"Joey of course we can forgive you, come here" Troye cried, hugging Joey tightly.
"You know you can always come to us when your upset like that ever again. Its not your fault that Daniel tricked you, but im guessing you should apologise to Connor" Troye smiled sweetly, why was my boyfriend so nice
"I know i will, but i needed yous too first" Joey looked over at me and gave me a small smile.
"Come here ya fuck" I smiled, causing Joey to laugh.
"Im still pissed you blocked everyone out but we all love you and we already have a plan to get you and Connor friends again, i guess with you in itll make it easier" I smiled
"Plan?" Joey smirked
I nodded and Troye started explaning what we were going to do.
After an hour Joey announced he was going to the other hotel, to say sorry.
"Thanks again, im so sorry. Yous are the best" Joey smiled before walking out the door, closing it behind him.
I looked at Troye.
"Well fuck" he laughed.
"Everything will be normal between our group again soon baby, just watch us work our magic" I said, bringing my arms around Troyes stomach, him leaning down to kiss me.
"I love you tilly" He spoke in between the kiss
"i love you too troye" I answered, putting my tounge in his, him allowing me too.
"Modern Family?" He smirked, breaking the kiss.
"Course" I laughed and we sat down continueing the show.
Troye Pov
"Tyler, wanna go out for dinner?" I asked him, bored of the house.
"McDonalds?" He smiled
"Sure" I laughed as we got in the car.

We sat down with our meals:
Tyler: Plain Chicken Burger, fries, ketchup and Fanta
Me: 6 chicken nuggets, fries, ketchup and Coke
"You know what i love about us?" Tyler asked out of the blue
i smirked, "What?"
"The fact that we dont care what anyone thinks about us, we are always us together, in public. I love it"
"I love you" I replied
"I love ya too babe" He said, putting a french fry on his mouth.
"OH MY GOD" i heard a girl scream behind me. I swallowed and turned around to see a girl and another girl smiling at us.
"oh my god, yous are my queens i love yous fuck is this real" The one on the right smiled.
"Aw, yous are adorable. I love yous!!What are your names?" Tyler asked sweetly.
"Im Joanna" The left one said
"And im Courtney" The other said
"Yous are so amazing. Thanks for inspiring my girlfrind to come out" Joanna smiled, grabbing Courtneys hand.
"Oh my god, im so happy for yous!Thank yous for supporting us!Here, come get a picture" I smiled, taking out my phone.
We took some photos and me and Tyler followed them on Twitter.
"Thank yous!" They smiled, walking out hand in hand.
"Oh my god, i love them" Tyler laughed
"Me too, lets go" I smiled, putting our trays away, getting in the car to head home.
Its so hard having a christian mom oh my god💔😐

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