plans begin

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Zoe Pov
"Alfie hurry up Troye and Tyler are gunna be here soon!" i shouted through the house. Alfie was trying to build the new kitchen table we had bought yesterday so we could use it tonight for the first time, but he had been doing it for an hour and still hadnt done it right once.
"Its a piece of shit!Im telling you it was a waste of my money!" He walked into the kitchen area, red in the face, all sad and angry.
I couldnt help but laugh at him.
"Whats funny?" he asked confused
I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him, looking up at him.
"You go get a shower, and when the boys arrive, they can try as well okay?" I kissed his cheek and he nodded, walking to the bathroom.
I finished up the dinner. I had made a lasange, as i know thats Tylers favourite. I was just taking it out of the oven when i heard our buzzer go. I
quickly set the dish down and ran to my buzzer to let them in.
"Heyyyyy!!!Come on up!!" I shouted through it.
"Alrighty sunshine" Tyler shouted through it.
I laughed, opening the door for them to come up.
"Zoe!!!" i heard an australian accent say, running up the stairs.
"troye!!" I shouted back, not caring about the neighbours around us.
I leaped into his arms and we hugged before I realised there was no Tyler.
"Tyler?" i asked confused
He smirked as we heard the ding of the elevator go off. I rolled my eyes, only Tyler would take an elevator to the third floor of a small apartment block.
"Hey bitchesssss" he said making both of us burst out laughing.
"Ty!!" i yelled, running into his arms.
"How are yous both?Troye hows your head?" i asked, as i closed the door behind us.
"Great. All healed" Troye nodded.
"Troyler game strong?" i laughed
"Stronger then ever" Tyler said, flirtly wrapping his arms around Troyes waist.
"Wheres alfie?" Troye asked
" you can see there is an unesembled table over there. Lets just say Alfie got red and flustery for an hour and still didnt know how to do it, so hes in the shower" I laughed
"Hey, its hard shit to do" I heard Alfie say behind us.
"Hey dude" Tyler smiled, hugging him, Troye doing the same.
"I can help, i did shop in my big year at high school so im practically an expert" Troye winked, walking over with Alfie. Tyler rolled his eyes, walking over to the kitchen with me.
"Mmm my favorite" Tyler said, his eyes widening st the dish.
"Thats why i did it" i said, smiling.
"And Troyes favorite dessert, nutella cake" i smirked, saying the nutella cake louder then the rest.
"NUTELLA CAKE" Troye shouted running into the kitchen.
"Yup" i winked.
"Oh my god, Zoe i think i may turn straight and marry you just to get that cake every night" He joked
"Have you forgot why we are here?" I winked, laughing
"Im kidding kidding" he winked, walking back to Alfie.
I smiled, happy to have my friends back again
Troyes pov
"Ill help washing up Zoe" i said, collecting the dishes
"Thanks Troyeboy" she smiled, as we walked into the kitchen.
We cleaned the dishes and walked back into the living room with Tyler and Alfie. We all sat on the couch.
"So how was your flight?" Alfie asked us
"Oh it was really smooth yeah, went by really quickly" I answered
"Yeah because you slept on me the whole time, giving me a dead arm" Tyler joked
"The things you do for me" I winked, joking
"Ha ha" he smirked
"So the wedding then" Tyler said, getting straight into it.
"Right, okay so 15th of Decemeber is what we are hoping for. We were thinking of somewhere outdooors, with christmas decorations" Zoe said
"Thats so beautiful" Tyler admired
"So we could help get the place first"
"Could yous?Thats amazing boys" Zoe smiled
"We are here for two weeks anyway so perfect" I smiled
"Lets look up some places" Alfie said, getting his laptop out.
1 hour later
"Guys, look at this!" Tyler screamed, practically waking the whole block up.
"God, this better be good" i laughed, looking at the computer screen.
"Oh my god, its stunning" Zoe admired.
"Wait, what is it?" i asked confused.
"Its a maze, duhh." he sassed
"A a maze?" i doubtly said.
"Troye not in the maze, in front of it" he said pointing to a spot i didnt notice.
"Perfect!" i agreed.
The rest of the night we spent imagining where everything would be put and we rang the owner up to see if he did weddings there and he agreed!So we booked it for the 15th of December.
"Thanks for that boys, im so grateful for yous both" Zoe smiled, kissing our cheeks and walking us out the door.
"Yeah thank yous both" Alfie agreed
"Aw no bother guys, glad to help" Me and Troye agreed.
"And thanks for the dinner..and the nutella cake...complete heaven" Troye laughed
"See yous tomorrow!" Alfie smiled, closing the door.

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