rollar coasters

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Troye Pov
I woke up to no Tyler, he must be downstairs. I stretched and looked at the time

Well shit.

I got up and ran downstairs to see everyone in the living room, either sitting on their laptops or watching tv, drinking coffee.
They all looked when i came in
"Well look who woke up, and people say im the bed lover" Casper winked at me
Tyler came and kissed me on the cheek
"We are going out in half an hour, so get ready!"
"HALF AN HOUR??" I shouted
"Yep" they all chorused, as if theyd practised it
i looked at them strangely but they just laughed, i ran upstairs, not even knowing what i was dressing for but going by Tylers clothes, casual. I had no time for a shower so i got my Bottle Green Jack Wills Jacket on, my black ripped jeans and my black vans. I quickly styled my hair into a quiff, thatll do.
I ran downstairs and saw everyone ready go. Louise smiled and said "Troye, for getting dressed in 20 minutes, you look good" She smiled
"Aw, your the best" I embraced her, and we all walked out to the cars, still not knowing where i was going
Zoe Pov
I got in Tylers car. We have three cars so our arrangements were
Tylers Car: Tyler driving, Troye, Me, Alfie and Louise
Jims car: Jim driving, Tanya, Niomi and Marcus (because it was a smaller car, they only had four seats)
Joey Car: Joey driving, Joe, Casper and Connor.
Tyler had suggested we should go to Universal today, at first i thought, because Troye had woken up later then expected, there would be no point because of long lines, but he reminded me that they know youtubers, and let us go to the front, its pretty damn cool if you ask me!!
"Guys where are we going?" Troye asked, confused
"Universal Studios boy" Louise answered
"wow troye, calm yourself" i said laughing
The way there, we sang to some One Direction songs, having fun together. These were the friends i wanted to keep, i loved these people, all the youtubers this week, were my real friends and i never want them to leave the group, that would be pretty shit
Tyler Pov
We had been at Universal for three hours now and it had been amazing!I learnt that Troye loves rollar coasters, and that his passion for The Simpsons were crazy, he made me go on the ride 5 times because it was "The best thing ever" in this words.
We had split up during the time here but we had all met up again and had decided to have one more ride together, The Water Rapids, that way we could get a picture, all together.

We got in the Raft as i held Troyes hand tight. It started and we moved down the lake. I have to admit some of the things were pretty frightening, but hey?Im dating Troye, i am going to have to learn this stuff.
It turned out being the best ride of the day, we came off, soaked to our skull.
"That was fucking hilarious" Joe declared
We all laughed, thinking about it as we walked to the photo place. We had three to pick from, and we picked the one that was the best, unfortuntely i looked like a drenched toad, but i dont care, everyone else looks good. We got it printed and headed to our cars, heading home.
Troye Pov
Today had been so much fun. I had persuaded Tyler to go on all the rides with me, and he didnt throw it, it was great!!
We were heading out to get dinner at 'Cracker Barrel' which is the restaurant i had went with Casper the first day of filming our movie 'Spud'.

We were all dressed, the girls looked beautiful in their makeup and jewerelly and everything girls do, and we headed off, in the same car arrangements as before.
"Wow this menu looks so good" Tanya said, licking her lips
"Careful Tan, dont eat too much or youll have nothing left for Jim" Dirty minded Tyler said, adding a wink
We all laughed, including Tanya even though she has blushed
"Ty stop embarrassing people" I angirly said., pretending to be annoyed at him, but he just stared at me
"Troye, i know your not pissed because when you are pissed you call me Tyler" he said, proud of himself
"Fuck" i shouted, suddenly remembering we were in public, causing people too stare at us, i just put my head down and shouted
"Tyler dont swear in public" Causing everyone to laugh
Tyler Pov
Today had been so much fun. These guys were my family, i couldnt ever hate any of them, i loved them all, well maybe Troye a little bit more.....Okay a lot more but hes my boyfriend so thats aloud.
We had drove home, all full, after our dinner and we had all retired to bed. I turned the light off and felt Troye cuddling into me. I put my arms around him, seeing him smile slightly, damn i love that boy.
"I love you Tilly" He whispered into my chest
"I love you too Troyesivan"
Wow i try to make it better, is it okay??

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