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Tyler Pov
"Troye wanna do collabs today?" I said as i sat up and streched on the bed and looked over to see 9am on our clock
"Sure, any ideas?" he said grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze before cuddling into my side
"Well i was thinking...maybe we should tell our fans....about us" I said nervously
He looked up at me, untangling himself from my arms
I nodded
"Yeah, they need to know sometime. This is a perfect time so yeah im up for it" He smiled
"Good. We can video them after breakfast"
"Yeah" He said, cuddling back into my side. I kissed his head and enjoyed the moment, trying to get out of my mind that he has to go back home soon.
After a few moments we got up and went to the kitchen. We just decided to have cereal as neither of us could be bothered to make a big breakfast.

When we finished we got showered, dressed, did our hair and then set up for our video in my living room.
"Okay so should we put the same video up in both of channels yeah?" Troye asked me
"Yeah i think so" i confirmed, nodding
"Okay" Nodding back
"Why hello everyone my name is Tyler Oakley and today im here with a very special guest to make a very special announcement......"
We recorded the video and it was surprisingly easy to make, i thought i would be more nervous. After we filmed it we made my Entrance and Outro so we could just edit it into the video.
"Im so proud of you Troye" I announced smiling at him
"What why?What did i do?" He asked confused
"Youve came so far from crying on my couch years ago trying to tell me your gay and now look at you!" I put my arms around him, hugging him tight
"I love you ty, so so much" He said into my ears
"I love you too babe"
"1 minute" Troye said. I could tell he was nervous. It was now 3pm and we had edited and were now putting our videos up, but i could tell Troye was nervous as his foot had been tapping for 3 minutes straight
"Troye, you can stop this now if your not ready" I said looking him in the eye
"No i am ready. They already ship Troyler anyway right?" He looked at me
"Yeah babe, they do" I kissed his cheek and looked at our screens, 20 seconds. I squeezed his hand as i watched it go up
"And we are out" He said breaking the silence. We looked at eachother and kissed eachother passionately, happy that we could be truthful to our fans now.
Troye Pov
"Look Ty look!!" I squealed pointing out the car window.
He was concentrating on driving but looking at where i was pointing.
"Youve never seen a dolphin before?" He asked
"No!I mean Austrailia has loads but ive never seen one, weird huh?" I laughed.
Tyler had took me to a restaurant beside the ocean and it was damn good. We were now just driving along the coast, back to at the apartment.
"Troye?" Tyler said
"You have to go home soon, you know that right?"
"Wow Ty, didnt know you wanted me gone so soon" I joked
"No of course i want you here troye but you havent seen your family in nearly 3 weeks, you should go and see them"
"Yeah i guess so"
I missed my family a lot, Sage espically because we were very very close but i wanted to stay with Tyler, he makes me so happy. Im a different person when im around him. What if i get upset and well...he wont be around to stop me doing stupid things to myself.
I suddenly felt tears forming in my eyes. Fuck Troye stop crying, your not 5 stop it. I looked out the window trying to stop tyler from seeing my tears. I would miss him so so much.
"I guess i should just take the flight in 2 days, i mean i should give you your space" I sadly told Tyler as he sat on his laptop, scrolling threw tumblr beside me on the bed.
I looked at him but he continued looking at his screen
"I mean...i should go home sometime right?"
He didnt reply so i sighed loudly to make sure he heard but he still didnt flinch.
"So ill just book it for 2 days then okay Ty?" annoyed at the fact he was ignoring me
"Yes troye just book whenever i dont care okay?" He said, slightly louder then usual
"You dont care?" I looked down. Well that hurt.
"I didnt mean it like that but your going home anyway so just make it whenever, you dont need to confirm it with me" He argued, still looking at his laptop.
"Im just making sure its okay with you, calm down" I argued back
"God troye of course its okay, i told you i dont give a fuck when you go home.Go now if you want i dont give a flying fuck!" He shouted, this time looking at me then back to his screen
It was silent for a few minutes as i processed what had just happened. i got off the bed and said one thing to him before running out the door
"Fuck you"
I had no idea where i was going but i just kept running
Dun dun fucking dun

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