new memories

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Troye Pov
I woke up in Tylers arms on the sofa.
Em what? i reminded myself of the night before but surely we had went to bed after everyone left.
I untangled myself from him to find a note sitting on my laptop
Dear Troyler,
After the fashion show, yous fell asleep and we didnt want to wake yous so we tided up and went home!Thanks for the amazing night, we all love yous. Tyler hope everything is okay
The youtube squad
I laughed reading it that i accidentally woke up Tyler.
He streched and opened his eyes.
"What happened?" He yawned
I handed him the note and smiled.
"Well its already 10 so we may as well get up" I said, starting to get up but feeling his hand on my leg stopping me.
"Cuddle for a bit troye" he whined
I rolled my eyes but proceeded to sit beside him, cuddling into his chest.
"Thanks for last night beautiful, i needed it" He said into my hair.
This was the first time he had call me beautiful and i could fucking get used to it.
"Anything for you" I replied, cuddling more into him. I think i was falling asleep into him when i heard a knock at the door.
"Shit" Tyler said and ran to the door, as i stood up as well
I walked to the door to see Joe standing there
"Hey man" I said, hugging him.
"Hey, we are all going for a run, ya up for it?" he asked us
"We literally woke up like 3 minutes ago" Tyler laughed
"We can wait, go get changed quick" He laughed and ran down outside. We looked out the window to see everyone in their sport outfits.
"Troye hurry up!" Tyler shouted as we ran to get our shorts and gym tops on. I wore my sweatband that said 'TRXYE' on it, self promoting as ya do. We walked outside and greeted everyone.
"Did you get our letter?" Zoe laughed
"We did, thanks for cleaning up but yous didnt have to" Tyler grinned
"No it took less then 5 minutes, dont worry. Yous were too cute too wake up" Niomi laughed.

We ended up running down to the beach. we stopped and sat on the sand.
"Well this brings back memoires right tilly?" Troye laughed.
i burst put laughing with him, noticing everyones confused faces.
"What did yous have sex on the beach or something?"Joe asked
everyone laughed
"Nope. We had a fight and troye ran down to here but of course i was looking all round Los Angeles for him" Tyler explaned
"I still feel bad" I laughed
I smiled and kissed his cheek causing the 'awws'
"Well lets make a happy memory now, yeah?" Jim smiled and we all ran into the ocean. The beach was empty as it was a private one, even though it was like eleven.
"Hey troye" i heard a south african say. i turned round and felt water all over my face. I wiped it away to see Casper grinning.
"son of a bitch" i yelled and we tackled eachother in the water, laughing while doing it.
i looked over to see Tyler and Marcus giving eachother piggybacks, laughing like me and Casper were.
Oh this was so on tyler oakley.
I closed my eyes, grabbed Caspers hand and ducked him into the water. When we got back up he started coughing, while i just laughed the whole time.
"Fuck you Troye Sivan" he yelled, causing everyone to look but continue their fun. i noticed Marcus was now holding Tylers hands and they were doing some dance
Em fuck no.
Casper saw me looking, winked and nodded.
He closed his eyes, went underwater and lifted me so i was sitting on his shoulders. Everyone turned and laughed, expect Tyler. He looked over with a red face.
Hah, your own fault ya bitch,
I jumped off his shoulders and suddenly felt two arms around my waist. I smiled knowing exactly who and why that person was here.
"Your a dick Troye Sivan" He whispered into my ears.
I turned round and smirked.
"You started it hot stuff" i winked
We laughed and he kissed me. Fuck it was magical.
we let go and of course, everyone started.
"FANGIRL MOMENT!!!!!" Zoe screamed.
We just laughed and started splashing eachother until it turned into a full blow splash fight. Oh how i love these guys.
short chapter shit sorry

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