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Troye Pov
I woke up to voices. I turned off and saw my alarm clock said it was Ten. I guess i should get up, but this is a comfortable bed so ill just stay a little longer. The voices got louder as if they were coming into the bed part of the room.
Suddenly it went quiet and i found happiness that Sage and Tyde had shut up, letting me sleep.

I lay, going back to sleep when i heard a whisper in my ear
"Since when does TroyeSivan pretend to sleep?"
I recognised it instantely.
I turned round, sitting up quickly to see Tyler smiling at me, sitting on the edge of the bed
"TYLER!!!!!" I shouted and jumped on him, hugging him so tightly.
"Hey hey calm down troye, we are heading down to get breakfast, let you two have peace" Sage said quietly, walking out with Tyde
I looked at Tyler and immeditely attached my lips to his, feeling real happiness for the first time this week. I didnt have to fake it, or fake a smile, for the first time in a long time?I felt like nothing but us mattered.
We kissed for what seemed forever before he let go
"I missed that, i needed that" I said
"So did i" He smiled at me
"But what the hell are you doing here" i laughed
"I needed to see you, to be here for you after the skype call yesterday"
He stroked my cheek and kissed my lips for a split second again before getting up,taking his shoes off and getting into the bed beside me.
He brought his arms around me and we cuddled in complete peace.
"Im so thankful for you Tilly" I said, snuggling more into his chest
"Me too babe" He said, kissing my head before we fell into a sleep again.
"Troye, Tyler get up we are going to the hospital in 20 minutes!" I woke up to Sage shouting it to me.
I was confused but remembered Tyler was with me. He saw me awake and smiled, kissing my head.
"Are you coming too ty?" I asked, hoping he would
"Only if you want me to" He said, politely
"Of course i do"
I gave him a short but sweet kiss on the lips before we both got out and got dressed and headed out to the taxi
Tyler Pov
I was so happy to be with Troye again. It made me think how lucky i am to have him as mine, my boyfriend and no one elses.
His mom and dad and siblings had been so happy to see me, which i was thankful for. We had just arrived at the hospital and we were walking to Steeles room. I held Troyes hand the whole way, not caring about the looks we were recieving.
"Come in with me" Troye asked
"Are you sure?" I asked, not wanting to intrude anything.
"Yes please come tilly" Crap he was giving me the puppy dog eyes, i had too.
I smiled and nodded as we walked in together. I saw Steele lying on the hospital bed, with a wire sticking out of his mouth, nose and arm. There were machines beeping all around him about i guess thats a good sign right?
"Hey Steele, guess who came to visit. Tyler! Isnt that amazing?"
Troye starting talking to him as if he was awake and i just sat beside him, holding his hand, watching him, very very proud of how he is coping with all of this.
"Tyler, lets go out to lunch or something" Troye said as we exited the room.
"Sure" i smiled as he told his dad, Shaun, our plans.
"You boys had fun" Shaun smiled and pulled my arm aside and whispered into my ear.
"Thank you for being here Tyler, Troye really needed you. Me and Laurelle really love what youve done for our son" He smiled, slapped my back playfully and walked away.
"What was that about?" Troye asking confused, grabbing my hand again.
"He told me hes thankful for me being here" I blushed
"So am i, i love you" He kissed me, softly.
"I love you too" I said, ending the kiss and walking out the door.
"I dont go to Starbucks enough but damn its so fucking good" i exclaimed, drinking my Cookies and Cream Frap.
"Yeah, its good" Troye laughed.
"So tell me how Tyde is doing with the whole girl business" I asking, not really knowing anything in detail.
"Well he is so so happy dating Kendall. He really likes her and just the way they look at eachother, you know its not just a split second relationship you know?" Troye explained
"Yeah Yeah" I nodded
"Whenever you come to Perth, youll meet her, shes a great girl for him" He smiled.
Come to perth?thats an idea...
"And when will i be coming to Perth" I smirked
"Whenever you would like to come to perth"
"No, i need to be invited Troye" I blushed a bit.
"Is Tyler Oakley blushing?" He laughed
"Shut up Troye, seriously when?" I said, annoyed at myself for blushing
"After vidcon"
I choked on my drink, coughing
"What?" He laughed
"That soon, are you sure your family wouldnt mind?"
"Course not, they love you Ty. Then its settled, after vidcon?" He smiled
"After vidcon" i laughed
We talked more about Perth and then left, going back to the hotel
I love them oh my god

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